Chapter Seventeen

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Liam's POV

"if only they knew" I said throwing a stone

"you alright Liam?" I heard a familiar voice

I turned around to see Olivia and Louis

"yeah" I nodded

"just remember Niall and Zayn are still single" Olivia laughed

"I have a girlfriend" I mumbled

"Danielle?" Louis asked

"how did you know?" I asked nervously

"a guess" Louis shrugged

"aww LiLi you have a GF!" Olivia cooed "was that me? Ew."

"yes it was you" I laughed

"ugh that's disgusting" she gagged

"Well your attitude has changed loads" I shrugged

"yup and auntie says I can come home sooner if I be a good girl" she nodded

I saw Louis looked really upset... Oh my god he likes Olivia!

"Louis?" Olivia called him

"who us gonna be my pigeon buddy? Who's gonna tell me I don't have to grow up? And give us all piggy backs? And stand up to Harry when he hurts my feelings? And who is gonna look out for Liam?" Louis asked

"Louis" she said putting a hand on his shoulder

"no, you're just going to leave... Like mum did" he said

"your mum died?" I asked

"she didn't die she left me... On the streets!" he snapped

I didn't know any of this

"what about Johanna?" I asked

"I'm adopted" he mumbled

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"I didn't want anyone to know but then Livvy came here and I felt like I had a mum again" he said on the verge of tears

"I have to leave sometime Lou" Olivia said looking guilty

"fine leave! I don't care! It's not like anyone cared anyway!" he yelled

"Louis that's not true all the boys care" she tried

"they are like my brothers! And I thought you're were like my mother!" he yelled "but now I see you are exactly like her, you're gonna leave in the end"

Why is this so dramatic all of a sudden

"Louis please" Olivia begged

"you know exactly what it feels like to be left alone!" Louis yelled

"Louis do not even go there" Olivia growled

"Liam just got up and left. No matter how hard you tried he never once called or sent you a letter. He didn't even say good bye!" Louis yelled

"how do you know he didn't say good bye?" Olivia asked

"cause when he left I said aren't you saying bye to your sister? And he said I don't want to upset her" he mumbled

"You seriously left because you didn't want to upset me?" Olivia yelled at me

"yes okay I'm sorry" I nodded

"the fact that you didn't say good bye hurt me Liam! We were so close and you just left! I didn't even know where you were until I saw X factor one day on tv! Look at me Liam! I smoke, I drink, I race I dropped out of school and do you think if you had said goodbye to me I would do all that?" she asked

"No" I shook my head

"Louis I'm staying here" she said

Louis didn't smile he looked really upset

"please don't fight" Louis mumbled

"you started this!" I yelled at him

"don't yell at me!" Louis yelled

"Liam leave him" Olivia snapped

"you shouldn't be helping him" I yelled "you're not his sister

"I wish I was!" she yelled

"you don't mean that" I said hurt

"I do Liam, he tried getting you to help me and you said that I would be fine well let me ask you this" she snapped "do I look fine?"

"Livvy stop yelling" Louis whined

"I'm sorry Louis" she nodded

"why don't you just fucking marry Louis?!?" I screamed

Olivia's jaw dropped

"Liam said a swear" Louis gasped

"so what? I said the f word" I yelled

"you are this close" Olivia growled

"to what?" I smirked

"getting a punch" she growled

"you wouldn't punch me" I laughed

"yes I would" she smirked

"prove it" I gulped

She raised her fist and I felt a woosh of air hit me... No pain? I opened my eyes and her hand was at her side

"oh my god I can breathe" I said holding my chest

"don't swear" she shrugged

"Wait.. You almost punched me because I swore?" I asked

"more or less" she shrugged

"so are you staying?" Louis asked

"Yup" she nodded

"do you can be better than Johanna?" he asked

"I thought she was nice" Olivia frowned

"no" he shook his head "she's evil"

"what?" I asked

"I don't want to talk about it" he mumbled

"is that where the scars and bruises on your back are from?" Olivia asked

Louis looked at the floor

"when people gave her hate you raged though" I said

"she hurts me but she's all I have" he smiled weakly

"Louis she would have been arrested if you told the police" I protested

"I will tell them" he nodded

"do it now" I instructed

"Louis come with me" Olivia dragged him behind the house

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