Part 66

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Liam's POV

That Night...

I stood in the hallway and watched Olivia smile down at Louis... Those two really did love each other

Olivia stroked Louis' forehead and gave a loving smile. Perhaps I was wrong about Louis, perhaps he was the perfect lad for her... She sure did seem happy

"Hey Li" Zayn stood beside me

"Hey" I gave him a warm smile

"What you looking at?" he asked

"Those two" I gave a weak smile

"It's kinda odd isn't it?" Zayn chuckled "a girl like your sister with a boy like Louis... They're complete opposites"

"Maybe that's why the go so well together" I smiled "opposites do attract"

"Logically yes" Zayn agreed

"I wonder how long Louis liked her for" I frowned

"Yeah" Zayn nodded "maybe it was love at first sight"

"Maybe" I smiled

"I take it you're not mad anymore?" Zayn asked

"I'm mad at Louis and her" I sighed "they have been so oblivious to Harry"

"What do you mean?" Zayn frowned

"Harry loves her too" I frowned at Livvy and Louis kissing with small smiles "he loved her first and he never knew Louis liked her"

"Harry likes Olivia?" Zayn seemed surprised

"As crazy as it sounds" I smiled "I do believe him... My sister is amazing"

"I think we all like her" Zayn agreed with me "especially Louis, I mean she has her own pigeon"

"I don't know why" I frowned "but I always thought she was for you... She's a lot like you in some ways"

"She's a lot like all of us" Zayn put his arm round me "she fits in perfectly"

"But she still isn't anything like me" I sighed

"That's not true at all" Zayn shook his head "she loves aquariums... Just like you do"

I beamed and this time I didn't feel so tense about Louis and Olivia together. I didn't need to worry about Olivia getting her heart broken with Louis because Louis' never broken up with a girl before, he'd always let them break up with him

"I think they'll last" I decided "longer than you and Perrie did, longer than Louis and Eleanor... Even longer than me and Danielle"

"I'm glad you're okay with them" Zayn gave me a supportive smile "and hey, maybe you'll become Tommo's brother in law"

"No" I glared

Zayn laughed and Olivia looked out the door and me and Zayn

"We should go" Zayn suggested "it's going to be frantic when Louis is back home"

I agreed and went back home with Zayn. The moment I walked through that door I regretted it... Harry was harassing Niall


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