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I pulled the lace sleeves of the black dress further down my forearm, not daring to look at the well dressed people passing me. It was quite baffling to me how simply putting on a nice dress allowed me to walk freely during the day without the lingering fear of being captured by one of the hunters.

The freed people hurrying along the sidewalk disgusted me. They didn't have to live in fear of the true leaders of our society. They didn't have to fear being captured and becoming a slave to any member of the gang who ran the government.

My hand lightly toyed with the ends of my light blonde hair as I continued walking through the busy streets. I turned my head at each alley, hoping to catch a glance of the "safe" symbol.

The homeless in the United States have created a sort of system ever since the gangs have come to power. As more people lost their jobs and no longer had enough money to fund their families, they chose a few leaders who were in charge of selecting locations for the safe places. These locations were secluded from the city and contained about 20-30 people, depending on the current availability of jobs.

However, as the availability decreases more families are being kicked to the streets and the safe places are gradually becoming fuller. My family had found one of those safe places that we were able to live in for about 2 years, but with more people being forced to give up their homes our small community has been declared unsafe due to its capacity and we have all been sent packing.

I let out a sigh of relief once I found the white safe symbol spray painted onto a brick wall set apart from the rest of the New York City streets. My mood couldn't help but brighten as I slowly turned and retraced my steps to my family.

The tight dress was beginning to feel uncomfortable and couldn't believe a girl would spend $300 on such a thing. Perhaps I did the girl a favor taking the dreaded thing out of her shopping bag... My shoes clicked against the hard cement under my feet as I hurried through the thin crowd.

I glanced both ways before turning into the alleyway, making sure nobody took notice in me. Turning a few corners I easily spot my family huddled together, hiding within the shadows. Not many people would spot the group, but a hunter surely would.

"Thank goodness Harley, Derrick was whining for you." My mother whispers, lifting my little brother from her lap. I take the three year old child in my arms and begin to bounce him on my hips leading to his contagious giggling. His blue eyes were shining bright and I couldn't help but admire his innocence.

I glanced towards the other little one, Andrew. His shaggy blonde hair hung messily across his forehead, craving some sort of proper care. He was preoccupied with the makeshift chalk in his hand, scribbling away at the gray concrete beneath him. It saddens me that my poor brothers were born into this world. Perhaps if my father hadn't left, I would've been more comfortable with the situation. Life is full of disappointments though, and my dad walked out on us without another word.

My thoughts were interrupted by my mother's question. "Did you find the safe place Hal?" I nodded in response and lightly combed my fingers through Derrick's brunette hair and couldn't help but recognize his resemblance to our father.

"We leave tonight, around midnight." I state, glancing up towards the quickly fading sun. My mom simply goes back to entertaining Andrew, keeping his mind off of the never ending hunger we all must face. I wish I was able to scavenge up some food, but finding a new safe place was my first priority.


Hours had passed by far too quickly for me. It was one thing to put myself in potential danger, but allowing my family to become completely vulnerable to the dangers lurking at night always had me uneasy. We gathered our few possessions together, stuffing them into a tattered purse.

My mother left the alleyway first, Derrick on her hip, and Andrew holding her free hand. I waited a few seconds before following behind my family. We all discussed the exact location of the safe place before we left, that way if the worst was to happen the kids could make it.

Transporting my family was one of the most stressful things in the entire world. My eyes were practically latched onto the small group in front of me. I was thankful my mother has learned everything I've taught her about this world such as avoiding any eye contact with people passing by, walking quickly, and keeping a tight grip on the boys. It seemed strange that I was the one teaching my mom about our current world, but I was the only one who dared to make any sort of outings.

Andrew was easily keeping up with my mother's fast pace which was another plus. Usually transporting these kids was an absolute pain in the ass, one of them would have usually had an outburst by now. However, things were being carried out seamlessly.

I wasn't too comfortable though, I know much better than that. If I became cocky, I would be putting my family's life on the line and I couldn't allow that.

Being caught was always a fear I had simply because I couldn't even imagine becoming a servant. I've only heard a few stories from the people who managed to escape. From what I've heard, the gang members they work for are cruel and vile. They pay each of their workers a very minimal amount, so that way they can buy their freedom. However, it takes about 10-15 years to earn that much and you'd just be tossed back onto the streets. In my eyes, being homeless and living in constant fear was far better than serving any of those despicable men.

My eyes moved from my family towards the street sign, I practically sighed in relief. Only one more block away. We were almost there. I followed my mother as she turned the corner and glanced around once more, it seemed the coast was clear and we'd all spend another day in freedom.

Of course, I spoke too soon.

A very muscular arm wrapped around my waist tightly and I squealed in surprise. My mother quickly turned, but we'd been over this before. Her and the boy's safety was my number one priority. If it came down to it, I told her she must leave me so she can provide for my brothers. She seemed to realize this as she stared into my eyes, the kidnapper placing his meaty hand over my mouth. My mother turns away from me and I watch as she disappears into the shadows.

"Going to steal another woman's things, huh? Is my daughter's dress not enough for you?" He growled into my ear. I kicked behind me, hoping to hit some sensitive spot, but like all hunters this man was an expert. He avoided each of my pathetic kicks and only wrapped his arm tighter around my waist.

"Lucky for you, I'm not going to kill you myself. You see, my boss will do that dirty work for me." He mocks. I bite the palm of his hand and use his slight hesitation to break free of his hold. I race across the street, in order to keep my family's location unknown. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest, threatening to leave the protection of my body. My feet pound against the pavement with each stride I take, but my subconscious reminds me that the long lived freedom I once had is about to be stolen away. Running was not going to save me this time. The large man was not only stronger than me, but faster as well and tackled my body to the ground. My chin collided harshly with the concrete and black dots begin to cloud my vision. I wouldn't fall unconscious, I absolutely would not.

The man's arms wrapped around my body once more as he lifted me off the floor. "Walk you piece of scum." He spits, beginning to tie a scratchy piece of fabric around my eyes. I had to admit, I was quite impressed that he could do this with one hand, but as I said before he was an expert. An expert in kidnapping the defenseless and proceeding to sell them to their bosses. Men like him made me sick.

I walked blind for a few moments before being tossed into what I could only assume a van. I grimaced at the impact, but I didn't expect the hunter to coax me into the vehicle. As the engine roared to life, the blackness overcame me and all too soon I lost all consciousness.


Hello friends. I hope whoever read this enjoys!!(: Please leave feedback and vote or whatever.


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