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"Alright everyone, time to clean up in here!" Harry shouts, causing me to jump a bit. Immediately, everyone around me scatters reaching for empty bottles, spare cups, or leftover food. Kat even leaves my side, leaving me alone in the chaotic storm. My eyes couldn't seem to tear away from Harry's.

He nods his head slightly, motioning me to join him. However, I pretend not to understand his request and begin picking up some red cups on the kitchen island that were still partially filled with unknown substances. I stack them atop one another, creating a small tower before crossing the room to dispose of them properly.

Suddenly, a large palm grips my shoulder and in my brief moment of shock, the cups manage to tumble out of my hand and onto the floor. The liquids all mix into one horrible smelling puddle and a few people shoot glares my way after hearing the commotion. My cheeks flush in embarrassment as I quickly kneel down, attempting to clean the mess.

I forgot all about the reason I dropped them until the same hand grips my upper arm and pulls me to my feet. Turning on my heel, I'm not at all surprised to be met with Harry's smug smile.

His hand still holds my arm tightly and I attempt to shake it away, but he only pulls me closer to him. He leans in carefully, slowly taunting me. I wanted to be repulsed, find the confidence in me to pull away from him. However, my body craved otherwise and stretched towards him, practically begging for his touch. His lips linger by my ear, dangerously close to my skin. "Come with me," He whispers, fanning his warm breath across my neck. Shivers instantly creep up my spine and I scoff loudly.

"Why should I Harry?" I challenge him, pulling away from his intoxicating touch. He runs a hand through his long hair, clearly a bit frustrated I never tend to fulfill his commands. 

His jaw clenches a bit, his annoyance quite clear now. "We still have to talk about what happened," He states calmly. His eyes roam the busy room, constantly moving and seemingly avoiding my harsh gaze.

"There's nothing to talk about," I demand, hoping to convince myself of that. My arms cross over my chest, anger slowly beginning to overcome my once happy demeanor. "Besides, shouldn't you be keeping your 'friend' company?" 

Harry's dark eyebrows furrow in confusion, his emerald eyes pouring into mine. He cocks his head slightly, silently asking who I was referring to. "Kate," I utter, wishing Kat would somehow appear and rescue me from this dreadful encounter.

A loud laugh escapes his throat, immediately catching the attention of the servants around us. I duck my head, not particularly wanting anyone to see me with Harry. I didn't want to become one of those girls.

Harry's hand finds my chin and gently lifts my head up. Desperate to escape the constant glances and glares, I finally suggest, "Let's go somewhere more private," He nods and leads me out of the kitchen, as I trail behind him. I look over my shoulder quite often, attempting to see if anyone was watching us. We soon reach the staircase and climb towards the top level, escaping any lingering eyes.

I follow Harry through a few hallways until he reaches a simple white wooden door. I watch him carefully as he pulls a small silver key from his jean pocket. Why did he only have one key? I knew for a fact quite a few doors in this mansion were locked, not just one. He wouldn't only have one master key, would he? My eyes follow his cautious movements as he unlocks the door, gently pushing it open and allowing me inside.

My small footsteps eventually lead me into what looks to be an office. It seemed quite simple, a large dark wooden desk occupied one of the cream colored walls. A fairly new computer was resting atop of it, but the dust resting on the keyboard suggested nobody had used it in quite a while. On the opposite wall, a black leather couch resided along with a glass end table and matching chair. 

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