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My fingers delicately touch my lips, the same plump lips that were attached to Harry's moments ago. What was I thinking? The man is responsible for so many unspeakable crimes. Why did I kiss him?

I rub my hands over my face, hoping to snap out of the trance he seems to put me under. There was absolutely no denying the physical attraction between the two of us, but I couldn't let it get out of hand again. 

The meeting that I was supposed to attend soon came into mind and I realize that Harry gave me no answer as to what I should wear. I crouch to my knees and dig through the suitcase, deciding on a simple white tank with a pair of ripped denim jeans. However, I began second guessing myself and felt that I wasn't dressed up enough and exchanged the flats I had picked out for some black pumps.

I attempted to apply some makeup, including the bright red lipstick I found in one of the pockets. Leaving the safety of the hotel room, I enter the living room to see Harry's eyes focused on his phone screen. Luckily for me, Harry was wearing pretty similar attire. Skinny black jeans clung to his long legs and his chest was covered with a simple button down. His hair still looked a bit messy from our brief make out session, causing me to smile.

"You look lovely," He suddenly states causing me to jump. I quietly thank him as he crosses the room towards me, brushing a piece of hair from my face. I avoid meeting his gaze, knowing that I would easily get lost in his bright green eyes. He removes his palm from the side of my face and interlocks our fingers instead.

I follow him through the room, my pumps clicking against the floor with each step. Even with the added height, Harry still had quite a few inches on me. 

We enter the elevator in silence, Harry's hand tightly gripped onto mine. We begin our descent of the hotel and I steal a glance at Harry. His eyes met mine and I immediately turn away, my cheeks reddening in embarrassment. "I don't know why you get embarrassed Harley, I'm a good looking man. I would stare at me too," He boasts, causing me to scoff. 

The elevator stops and the doors open to the familiar lobby. Harry leads me out of the small confinement and passes Stacey without a glance. I smile a bit and turn to glance at the girl who looked utterly heartbroken. I roll my eyes at the hopeless girl, it was quite obvious that Styles was a man of lust, not love. Nobody would ever be able to love him and he would never be capable of loving someone.

A black vehicle waited outside and a man opened the car door for the pair of us. Harry gently presses his palm against my back, ushering me in first. I slide across the leather seats and rest my head against the window. Harry ducks into the car shortly after and quickly becomes preoccupied with his phone. 

The driver returns to his seat and begins our drive to God knows where.


"Harley, we're here," Harry states, nudging me awake. I wasn't sure when I fell asleep, but let me tell you my neck is absolutely killing me. I rub at the sore skin and follow Harry out of the car. Once I step from the vehicle, Harry is quick to interlock our fingers. 

I glance up, surprised to see clouds beginning to fill the sky. Harry leads me towards the large glass skyscraper and walks through the lobby without any hesitation. "Trinity Headquarters here in London," He dully explains. I simply nod in understanding as we enter yet another elevator. Harry presses the 20th floor button and the doors begin to slide shut.

A foot quickly comes in between the metal doors, causing them to open once again. "Harry!" The man chimes happily. I gaze towards the man and fight back my gasp once I recognize who it is. 

Scott Dalton steps into the elevator, shaking Harry's free hand. I immediately break our interlocked fingers and step behind Harry, holding his bicep tightly. I'm happy when Harry notices my discomfort and steps further in front of me, shielding me from Dalton.

"You brought a new pet!" Scott exclaims, his sinister laughter filling the small space. Harry chuckles as well, as I peer carefully over his shoulder. "This one's shy isn't she Styles?" He questions, his neck craning to look at me. "I'd love to have one like her back at my estate," I cringe immediately and tighten my grip on Harry.

"You know that I'd love to help you out, but unfortunately, she's mine," Harry responds. Scott nods and bites his lip. 

"Fair enough Styles, fair enough." 

The elevator dings and finally opens, allowing the three of us out of the space. "See you in there Styles," Scott states, leaving the two of us alone. Harry turns towards me and immediately wraps me in his embrace. His body heat is a wonderful distraction from the vile creature I just met.

"Are you okay?" He questions, rubbing my back gently. I nod against his chest and he pulls away, leaning down to carefully peck my lips. I'm shocked at the amount of affection he's giving me, and by the look on his face, he is too. I smile and take his hand, ready for whatever the meeting may hold.


A/N: Wooohoo another update. Please don't be a silent reader and remember to vote and comment!

If yall can manage to get 45 votes on this chapter, I will update as soon as it reaches 45. 

Love you always.


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