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Once I had returned to my shared room with Kat, I was not at all surprised to find her asleep. Her limbs were sprawled across the twin bed and her long hair messily covered her face. I carefully shut the door behind me, hoping not to wake her.  

I glance over at her once more to see she remained still, her only movements including the steady rising and falling of her chest. Moving across the room, I quickly change into more comfortable attire before climbing into my bed.

Countless thoughts occupied my mind. What sort of important business did Kate have with Harry? Why would I even be a distraction to him? I was just another one of his servants that he occasionally kisses. I'm almost positive that it's happened before, so why is it such a big deal to Kate now?

I continually tossed and turned throughout the night. My thoughts were consumed by a man that I didn't particularly like, but I couldn't seem to help it. I glanced at the alarm clock sitting atop my nightstand. The digital numbers read 4:03, it looked like I wasn't going to be getting any sleep tonight.

Tossing the covers off my body, I stood from my bed. I didn't bother changing into anything else, nobody would even be awake to see me in my pajama pants. Even if someone saw me, odds are I wouldn't care. 

I cross the room towards the closet, pulling the handle slowly. The wooden door creaked loudly as it slid across the floor, however I wasn't worried about my roommate waking up any time soon. My eyes almost immediately fall upon a pair of unworn slippers. I pull them from the pristine shelf and toss them onto the ground before sliding the comfortable footwear on. 

Without any second thoughts, I cross the room before escaping the safety of my room. I tiptoe down the stairs, attempting to avoid making any loud noises. Even though I wasn't technically doing anything wrong, I'm sure Harry would beg to differ.

My footsteps aimlessly led me throughout Styles' mansion. My eyes constantly glancing all around, for any signs of movement. I was well aware that I was completely safe, but it almost felt as if I was back in New York. 

The mansion was almost completely dark, besides a few wall lights that dimly lit the hallways. I can imagine that the only people roaming the house this late at night were Harry's guards. As soon as the thought crosses my mind, I realize I haven't seen many of his guards. The only few I saw included the man that was awaiting my initial arrival.

How did they manage to stay so concealed and how was Harry securing this place? My eyes scanned the long hallway I was slowly walking down until falling upon a blinking red light, carefully hidden in where the cream colored wall meets the ceiling. Cameras. Harry had admitted to me that he had cameras practically covering every inch of this place. He knew he was invading everyone's privacy, but nobody would dare challenge him. 

I ducked my head, hoping to now avoid any camera's sight. I could only hope that the darkness concealed me from their unavoidable glare. 

I debated turning around, heading back to Kat and I's room and attempting to fall asleep. However, this was the most I've ever seen of the place. My itching curiosity quickly won the internal battle taking place in my mind.

I kept roaming the many hallways, no real destination in mine. Suddenly, two raised voices caught my attention and I abruptly came to a stop. I hid behind a corner, hoping to remain concealed from the people.

"You know what you need to do," One eerily familiar voice urged the other. 

"There's no way I'm going to put anyone through that," The second calmly stated. Just from those few words, I already knew that it was Harry speaking. 

A third feminine voice chimed in, "I know of someone who I'd love to see go," The annoying tone of the woman's voice quickly gave away that Kate was also apart of this conversation. So who was the third person? 

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