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The alcohol running through my system was not helping me whatsoever. I felt myself slowly becoming much more accustomed to Harry's touch, rather than stiffening away from his rubbing and gentle squeezes. "Harry," I whisper, causing his eyes to land on my face.

His eyebrows raise in question and I turn my head, hoping to escape his gaze. "I need to pee," I whisper quietly. A chuckle escapes his throat and he nods in understanding. 

"Liam, is Soph here by any chance?" Harry asks, looking towards his tipsy friend. Liam nods and gestures his head to another secluded area upstairs. Harry places his large palms on my waist and carefully helps me up from his lap. My ankles feel quite wobbly thanks to the drinks and I know that the heels weren't benefiting my balance. I attempt to stay still as I sway back and forth, waiting for Harry to lead me to the area.

His hand rests on my lower back as he guides me through the upper level of the club. "As far as I know, the only bathrooms are downstairs so please be careful," He quietly states, gently moving a large velvet curtain. "Hey Sophia," Harry states, no emotion laced within his voice.

Upon hearing Harry's voice, the only woman in the area sets the book down on the space beside her. She quickly stands and runs her hand through her perfect brunette waves. "Harry, it's so good to see you!" Sophia exclaims, crossing the room towards us. She wraps him in a hug and I'm surprised to see that Harry actually returns the gesture. 

"Who is this?" She questions as she pulls away, her bright green eyes focused upon me. 

"This is Harley, she was brought in from New York about a month ago," Harry explains. My eyebrows furrow, it's already been a month? Surely I haven't been trapped within the confines of London that long. God, I miss home.

The two continue the small talk before I re-announce that I was in need of the toilet. They had both laughed and Harry excused himself after hissing at me to behave. What trouble could I possibly get in? 

Sophia grips my wrist and begins pulling me through the second story. My ankles were practically killing me by the time we reached the stairs. Sophia glances at me and begins to slowly help me down each step. I was glad I wasn't completely drunk yet, or else I most likely would've fallen. After a few moments, we finally reach the main level of the club.

"It looks like a lot more fun down here!" I shout over the pulsing music. A loud laugh escapes Sophia's lips and she nods in agreement. She takes my wrist once again and pulls me towards a hallway with two doors. I follow her into the woman's restroom and immediately rush towards one of the stalls. 

After I finish relieving my bladder, I rejoin Sophia who was touching up her makeup in front of the large mirror. "So, are you with Liam?" I ask, attempting to spark up some conversation. A smile crosses her red lips and she nods eagerly. 

"For about 2 years now," She answers as I begin to wash my hands. 

"Did you have to work for him or?" 

"No I did not. My family and Liam's were close for many years before the Trinity came into power. Once they took control, Liam always protected us from any of the gang's dangerous activity. Unfortunately, my parents died in a car wreck about 3 years after the government was overthrown. Liam immediately took me in and we've been together ever since." 

I nod, absorbing all of the information she just offered me, "I'm sorry for your loss," She shrugs it off, her gaze narrowing towards me.

"Do you really want to go back up there?" I immediately shake my head, and she smiles. "Neither do I," 

With that being said, we exit the bathroom and she leads me to the bar. The bartender seems to recognize Sophia immediately and begins to prepare some sort of cocktails that she ordered. He quickly creates the concoction and places the glasses in front of the two of us. Sophia swiftly drinks the pink liquid and I follow suit. Our empty glasses return to the counter as the man begins to refill our drinks. 

This continues for quite a while and it's clear to see the obvious effect the alcohol had on the thin girl. She was a fit of giggles and constantly laughed at everything I said even though it was not remotely close to funny. I couldn't say I was any better. My thoughts were a jumble and my words were slurring all together.

"Shots, David! I want some shots!" Sophia shouts at the bartender causing the pair of us to burst into uncontrollable laughter. The men around us begin to stare, easily catching onto the fact we were quite drunk. David appears with two shots filled with who knows what and two lime wedges for each of us. Sophia and I clink the shot glasses together before tipping the alcohol down our throats. I cringe at the taste and take a bite of the lime wedge, the sour flavor overcoming the bitter liquid.

"You two ladies look like you're having a good time," A man suddenly states. I turn on my heel to face the man from upstairs, Zac, I think his name was. 

Sophia giggles, "Zayn! Want to join us? Please don't tell Liam, he'll kill me," She slurs, a frown overcoming her features. I bite my lower lip, a bit frustrated that I couldn't even remember the guy's name. 

Zayn laughs, "Soph, I thought you would know by now that I'm the best at keeping secrets," A smirk plays at his pink lips and I can't help but think how attractive he really was. "David, could I have three shots of liquid cocaine?" Sophia and I immediately start laughing at the name causing Zayn to roll his eyes.

David returns with the shots, raising an eyebrow at Zayn. I simply pick up one of the glasses and tip the contents into my mouth. My eyes scrunch together and Zayn quickly applauds me, "Damn, who knew such a small girl could drink," I smile a bit and shrug my shoulders, curtsying a little bit for comedic relief. 

Once Sophia and Zayn had downed their shots, I drag the two of them out onto the dance floor. We all began awkwardly bouncing to the music, Sophia completely off beat. She soon excuses herself to go to the restroom, leaving Zayn and I alone in the middle of the crowded dance floor. "Harley, do you want to dance?" He questions, causing me to giggle. Doesn't he realize we were already dancing? 

However, Zayn doesn't really wait for an answer and gently grips my waist. He pulls me much closer causing a breath to escape my throat. I turn around understanding what he meant and begin to sway my hips to the music. Our bodies melted together, the alcohol ridding me of any sense. His hands never falter from my waist as we move to the fast tempo. My hands land on his as we continue dancing until the next song.

 He abruptly turns me around and stares into my eyes, pulling me closer. I lock my hands behind his neck, pulling his lips to mine. The kiss soon transforms to a messy make out session, our lips hungrily moving together. He gently bites my lower lip, causing me to gasp. He runs his hands through my tangled hair as our tongues battle for dominance.

"What the fuck?" A very recognizable voice shouts and in that moment I knew I was screwed.


A/N: HELLO! I HAVE MISSED YOU ALL! There is really no excuse for my absence, I have honestly just had awful writer's block. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and there will be another one up once this reaches 75 votes (or on Monday)!

Please remember to comment, I love hearing from y'all!

See you next time..


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