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"Wilhelm, I believe we've discussed how to treat my staff quite recently. So why do you always seem to disobey me?" Styles questions the man, still gripping his forearm.

I watch as the man, Wilhelm, practically shivers in his place. Harry releases his arm and quickly glances towards me, but only for a moment. He turns back towards Wilhelm, awaiting an answer.

Wilhelm gazes at me, his stare becoming much harder. "I didn't mean to Styles. Its just many of your female staff never seem to obey me," I force myself not to laugh aloud. "Wait, I swear to God I recognize this girl." Harry's eyebrows scrunch together in confusion causing me to duck my head so my hair can provide some sort of shield from the men. "Yes, I remember her! Malik's girl!"

After his realization, my heart rate picks up and my palms become clammy. Thankfully it appears Harry was satisfied with that, "Of course! I'm glad you remembered. Now excuse us Wilhelm, enjoy the rest of your stay." Harry's hand wraps tightly around my wrist and I am pulled in the direction opposite of my room.

Harry's footsteps thunder down the hallway, as I attempt to keep up with his long and constant strides. Its obvious that he's furious with me, it was simply a question of how furious.

We continued in silence before reaching one of the rooms that was constantly locked. Harry releases me for a moment and gives me a cold stare, warning me silently not to do anything stupid. He reaches into one of his suit pockets, pulling out a single brass key.

I watch as his fingers fumble with the metal before sliding it into the keyhole. With one gentle push, Harry steps into the room and motions me to follow him. Hesitantly, I take a small step into the room and carefully observe my surroundings.

The room was filled with two small sofas, a small bed, and a quaint breakfast nook. The walls were a simple cream color and the floor was covered with an elegant dark wood. "What is this place?" I questioned aloud, assuming that this was far too simple to be his bedroom.

Harry turns and faces me, any sort of emotion wiped from his features. "Its the room where the liars stay." My body immediately stiffens and chills run up my spine. "What's your name?" He demands while crossing his arms behind his back.

"Harley," I state confidently, hoping that he couldn't notice that I was practically quivering in fear. I wrapped one of my hands over the other, hoping that the pressure would stop their constant shaking.

"You love to cause trouble, don't you Harley?" Harry asks, taking two steps closer towards me. I shake my head quickly in disagreement and pray that he would let me leave unscathed. "Then explain to me why Wilhelm believes you are Malik's significant other,"

It was no wonder people were so intimidated of this man. His tall stature and fierce gaze practically made me feel like a small child again. "I cannot sir," I lie. There was no way I planned on giving up Kat just yet. 

"Hm, that's interesting."


"Wilhelm has not once met one of Zayn's girlfriends," My mind struggles to wrap around this information. Wilhelm had claimed that Zayn had always had a way with gorgeous women.

I bite my lip and decide to not share that information, its more than likely Styles is trying to trick me into a confession. "Maybe he was told Malik had a girlfriend that looked similar to me?" I suggested, pretending to act just as confused as he was.

"Perhaps." Harry takes another step towards me, my breath catching in my throat. He's only a few inches away from me, his body nearing mine. His hand flies up towards my face and I immediately brace myself for the impact. Instead, he brushes a stray hair behind my ear and lightly caresses my cheek. "Until you tell me the truth Harley, you will be residing here." A sinister smile overtakes his features and he steps away from me and towards the door.

Without hesitation, he slams the wooden door behind him and I soon hear the click of the lock. I whisper multiple curses to myself and race towards the door, pulling and twisting at the knob. "Styles! Styles you dick, let me out!" I exclaim, beginning to beat on the wood. I await for some sort of sign of acknowledgement, a response or footsteps nearing me, but I am disappointed. My back turns towards the door and I sink to the ground, feeling utterly helpless.

I support my head in the palm of my hands and glance around the room. After a few moments of observation, I spot a camera in the upper left corner of the room. Purposefully, I smile widely and lift both of my fingers in the air towards the asshole who was watching me.


A/N: Hello!!! I'm sorry for the late update, I am currently in Utah and haven't had any time to write. There should be an update this Sunday afternoon, so be expecting that.

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