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Once the deed was done, I was able to slip from the chambers quietly and gently shut the wooden door. My hands fumbles for the set of metal keys before finally grasping them. I shove one of the keys into the locks and slowly turn it before hearing a click.

Satisfied with my work, I retreat back towards my room. Fortunately, no one lingered in the hallway, they were all perhaps at the now very confusing and unorganized dinner. I rushed up the stairs of Kat and I's shared bedroom, panting a bit along the way.

I slip into my room unscathed from the night's events and am pleased to find Kat was nowhere to be seen. Quickly, I rid myself of the tight dress and heels and stuff the clothing under my bed. I replace the uncomfortable attire for a large t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Relentlessly rubbing at my eyes, my straightened hair falls around my face and sleep begins to lure me into its embrace.

It was quite clear that the night had taken a bit of a toll on me.

Without hesitation, I jump into my bed a small laughing escaping my lips. Hopefully my luck would continue and somehow I'd manage to escape this prison.

As time continued to drag on, I began to drift away with hopeful thoughts bouncing around in my head.


"Harley! Wake up right now." A gentle voice cooes. I stretch my limbs out a little bit and rub my tightly shut eyes, struggling to open them. Eventually, my eyelids fluttered open and I'm shocked to see someone who isn't Kat.

I grip the covers tightly and pull them over my chest as I stare into a pair of unfamiliar blue eyes. "Who the hell are you and what do you think you're doing here?" I snap at the man. A loud laugh escapes his throat and I can immediately feel my cheeks begin to redden. How does this guy think this is funny?

He smiles and ruffles his messy blonde hair, "I'm Niall," My jaw drops a little once I recognize the name and I attempt to hide my embarrassment by slipping further underneath the duvet. I watch as Niall's eyes scan our large room quietly, leaving an uncomfortable air between us. A cough escapes my lips as I attempt to break the silence.

"Oh, right. Um, so Harry is really pissed off because of last night. Don't worry, no one's given you up yet," Niall says allowing me to pick up his Irish accent. He then stops speaking for a bit and stares at me intently. I nodded furiously, urging him to continue. "Kat is in his room right now, he thinks she had something to do with it." Those few words were enough for me to rip the covers off my body and jump out of bed. Niall jumps a bit, obviously surprised at my sudden outburst and I begin to rush towards our door.

My hand reaches for the handle before it is harshly slapped away by Kat's boyfriend. "What the hell?" I yell aloud, turning to face him.

"That's why I'm up here. Kat doesn't want you to turn yourself in." I roll my eyes and turn to leave once again, trying to make a quick getaway. However, Niall's arms wrap around my waist tightly as he picks me up, my legs flailing around in the air. Rashly, I attempt to kick him as my hands attempt to pry his large arms from me.

My effort is not enough it seems as I hear a laugh escape my captor's throat. Eventually he turns around and sets me on the ground, putting himself between me and the door. "This is absolutely ridiculous," I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"And you are an absolute pain in my ass," He comments causing me to roll my eyes yet again.

"Please let me go! Its Kat! You won't let her get in trouble, will you?" I plead with Niall. He seems unmoved by my devotion to my friend and simply shakes his head.

He presses his back against the wooden door, completely trapping me within these walls. "Harley, trust me. Kat has been through shit like this before. Harry loves her and won't actually do anything, plus she can talk her away out of anything." Niall promises. I nod slightly, hoping his words were true. A sigh escapes my chapped lips and I surrender to his pleas and take a seat on my bed. I cross my legs and place my hands on my knees, focusing my attention on Niall.

He seems to ignore my harsh gaze before finally cracking and staring back towards me. "Do you mind?" Niall snaps. I shrug and allow a smile to play at the corners of my mouth, hoping to annoy him the slightest bit. "God, it is very obvious you're new around here,"

"What do you mean?"

Niall laughs once again, this time causing a smile to overtake my features. "You're stubborn as hell and don't mind talking back to me or Harry, who are indeed figures of authority. Most people shrink in fear and don't want to say a word, but I kind of find your lack of obedience refreshing," My smile grows wider and I was pleased to find that my attitude was noted.

I pretend to curtsy for Niall resulting in another laugh from the man. We fall into a comfortable silence, the two of us smiling at the wall. After about 5 minutes, a knock sounds from the other side of the door.

Niall opens the door wide, allowing Kat to come stumbling in. Her arms wrap tightly around Niall's neck and she pecks him on the lips, surprising the recipient. He glances toward me and cocks a single eyebrow as his way of saying "I told you so."

"Kat, my love, you're not dead!" I exclaim dramatically, falling out across my bed and grasping my chest as if I was in a movie. Kat removes herself from Niall's grasp and crosses the room, taking a hold of my hand.

"I would never leave you," She whispers, pressing my hand to her cheek. Before she can react, I lightly slap her and sit back up, grasping a pillow from behind me. Her mouth forms an "o" shape, and her eyebrows raise dramatically.

"Alright, before you fight her babe, tell us what happened." Niall interrupts.

Kat rolls her eyes and inches away from me, her stare locked onto mine. Silently, she makes it clear to me that our little feud is not over. 

"Long story short, I told Harry I did it. He's not angry and says he understands, but the next time you come I'm not allowed to see you at all. Kate is pissed he didn't give me a more appropriate punishment, which of course makes me happy. Harley, it looks like you're off the hook." She says with a smile. The mood in the room lightens the slightest bit and we all settle into a very comfortable silence. Until Kat chucked a pillow at my head.


3.2 K READS!! That's absolutely mental! Thank you to everyone who's been reading and voting, you all rock!

I love you so so much.

Please comment and vote, you guys are awesome.

Until next time.


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