Chapter One: Don't Act on Instinct

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Hey, it's me Niall, again. Yes, I'm still Niall from One Direction. Do you forget that every time? I'm not going to mention that every time I come back here.

Anyways, I promised a story, so here goes nothing.

This all happened approximately a year ago, as I said. I'm not sure exactly when I started to realize I had feelings for two of my best friends, but I do know that I started liking Liam before I liked Harry.

We were sitting in the living room, just chilling because we didn't have anything to do. It was a Sunday, and we didn't have practice, and there was a tour coming up in America, but we wouldn't be leaving until next month. I was squished between Louis and Liam on the couch.

All of a sudden, Louis jumped up, and said to us. "I'm bored, is anyone else? I can't stand sitting here all day, doing nothing."

"It's better than having to practice," I pointed out. Okay, just to let you know, to this day, I'm absolutely sure there was something wrong with Louis that day. It was nice to be able to relax. We're normally pooped out at the end of every day because we get worked hard by management, because we have to be absolutely perfect. And back then, when we had the America tour coming up, we were getting worked even more just so we could look good in front of all our fans in America.

"I'd rather be practicing than sitting around the house and staring at the telie," Louis said.

"I agree with Lou on this one," Zayn said. And that was pretty much when I was sure I had two nutcase members in the band.

Let's get one thing straight, at this point, I'm not sure I had feelings for Liam. Maybe they had been there, but I swear, my heart lurched when Liam said what he said next.

"I agree with Nialler, it's better than practicing," he said. "Its nice to have a day to ourselves."

"Zayn," Lou said, turning to the "bad-boy" of the band. And yes, I did just do the quotations with my fingers, you got a problem with it? Anyways, Lou's eyes looked pleading. "Do you want to blow this place, and go find something else to do? It feels like my mind is about to explode if I stay around much longer."

"Sure," Zayn said, getting off the recliner. I scooted over to where Lou had been sitting.

"Wait up, guys," Harry said, getting off the other chair. "I'll come with." He then turned to me, and those green eyes pierced my blue ones. "Niall, are you sure you don't want to come?"

I shook my head. "I want to relax." Don't call me crazy for not saying yes to Harry. Although, if I thought it would've changed what was going to happen, I probably would've gone with them. If it would've made everything way more simpler, I wouldn't have thought twice. Of course, then I didn't know what was going to happen.

Harry just shrugged, and he, Lou, and Zayn left. Liam turned to me, and smiled. "You hungry, Nialler?" he asked.

I guess that's when I first realized I thought of Liam as more than a friend, because my heart started to speed up, and everything felt like it was going in slow motion, like those old sappy romance movies that normally have a crappy plot line, and involve a lot of kissing and sleeping. The ones that I fall asleep to.

"Sure," I said, as I followed him out into the kitchen.

He made us food, I can't remember exactly what though. What? You think I have a perfect memory or something? Are you a nutcase? Why in the world would I have a perfect memory? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I don't have a photographic memory. Just because I remember a lot of stuff like the words to the songs, or dance moves I'm supposed to know for a concert, and other stuff doesn't mean I have a perfect memory. Don't nag at me.

Anyways, when we finished the food Liam had made me, we went back into the living room, and sat back down on that couch. It had been about an hour and a half, and the others still weren't back. I remember being curious as to what they were doing, but I didn't think too much about it.

I also remember staring at Liam constantly as he switched channels on the tellie, trying to find a good show to watch. Every time that he stared at me though, I ducked my head quick, not wanting him to see me staring.

I also remember wanting to kiss him, although that was something that I'd never thought of. I had never thought of myself as gay, but Liam looked particularly kissable at this point. And I think I would've acted on instict, had at that point, Lou, Harry, and Zayn had not walked in at that point.

Is this good? I'm sorry if you don't like how it ended, but this is what happened. Yep :) Enjoyed it? Good, I'm glad. Unless you don't like it. I swear, it's going to get better :) I hope you enjoyed it. Shout out to HarryNiallLover72296, AshtynIsMe, and Twinkletoeslover for commenting on the last chapter. Comment again PWEEZ cuz it make my day!

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