Chapter Eighteen: Liam Reveals His True Colors

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Sorry for all the hectic activity the past few days, guys. It's Niall here. Don't expect visits from either Liam or Harry for a while. Why? Because they've both been bad boys. I won't get into too much detail though, but you know Liam's story, so you're probably just wondering why the hell Harry can't come. As I said, I won't get into detail. Instead, I'll just get into the story.

When Harry woke up from getting hit by one of Liam's extra shoes that were lying around, he seemed so confused.

"What am I doing in your guys' room?" he asked, a little hazily.

"You don't remember anything?" I asked him.

"Nope," he said, smiling a little faintly.

"You came in here," Liam snarled, "sang a fucking romantic song to my boyfriend, and so I threw my shoe at you."

Harry kind of sat up at that point, and then said to Liam, "I'm sorry. But, I've been crushing on Niall since our Up All Night Tour. It's now the American leg of our Take Me Home Tour, and I'm sure I've liked him longer than you have."

"Not likely, Styles," Liam spat. "I've liked him since the X-Factor."

"Wait, what?" I asked, sounding confused. "I thought you were only just discovering your feelings for me. That's what you said before we came on tour, when you kissed me and then left."

"Whatever," Liam snapped.

I hadn't seen this side of Liam before. I've seen the angry side, I've seen the stupid side, but sure the hell not the careless, ruthless side of him. And that was what this Liam was emanating. His brown eyes were so hard, so rude, and his whole body was giving off bad vibes. I was afraid of this Liam. Even more afraid then of angry Liam.

"Get the fuck away from Niall," Harry said, coming to hover over me like a knight in shining armor.

"Don't tell me what to do concerning my boyfriend, pig," Liam spat.

"Don't call Harry a pig," I spoke up, finally.

"Whatever," Liam said. "Niall, you coming? Apparently Styles doesn't know how the fuck to get out of a room that isn't his."

"No," I told him. "I'll stay with Harry."

"What? Why?"

"Because, Liam, you're a jackass. I don't want to be with a guy who can't even be nice to someone who's supposed to be one of his best mates. In case you didn't understand what I just said, I'll say it in simpler words. I'm breaking up with you"

"He likes you Ni," Liam shouted. "He bloody fucking likes you, and you're sticking up for him?"

"Don't you remember? I told you that I think I like him too."

"Whatever, fine," Liam snapped. He turned so he was looking at both Harry and me, and snarled, "You're both pathetic excuses for mates. I'm leaving."

"We're staying in my room," Harry called after his retreading figure, causing me to let out a chuckle.

How was I supposed to know at that point that I was about to regret almost everything that had ever happened to me on this tour, and the months leading up to it?

Dun dun dun :D Well, Niam is done with. For now...Let's get to party with NARRY now :D LOL. Anyways, sorry for the long no-update thingy. I've been rather busy the past couple weeks and everything. So, I make it up by updating. Oh, and there will only be about thirty chapters to this book, so yeah. It's already over halfway there. (Big Time Rush's Halfway There starts playing in my head, and I start dancing crazily, and fanboying over Logan's sexiness) Dedication because they're supreme and they hate Liam in this book and it's funny :D

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