Chapter Six: Maybe This Time

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Hello. It's still me Niall. I forgot that yesterday. Oh well. Anyways, I'm going to skip ahead in my story. You want to know why? Because, the next couple of weeks are completely boring. That's why.

We're going right to the week leading up to our departure for the America tour.

"Niall," Liam began. I groaned, because I knew that he was about to give me some shit lecture about the responsibilities of packing for tours. He always did it. And my mixed feelings I was having wasn't helping the situation.

Wait, I never told you that after that kiss, I started to hate Liam, did I? Well, then, I guess I just did. It wasn't complete hate though. It was more so like some days I'd wake up, loving Liam, but then he'd show up, and do this or say that, and I'd get infuriated with him. And vice versa.

"I'm not going to listen to a fucking lecture!" I exclaimed. "I never hear you going, 'Harry, you need to keep your room cleaned better' or 'Louis, you need to pack more expertly' or 'Zayn, not so many hair products. You won't get many clothes if you keep packing like that.' It's always Niall this, and Niall that. Do you like to make me feel like a fucking moron in front of everyone?"

Liam quietly cleared his throat, and then looked at me. "Niall, I was only going to ask if you had all your things packed."

"Because that makes it so much better!" I exclaimed.

Now, listen to the severity of this. I'd never gone over the deep end with Liam. He'd always commanded a sort of respect from the rest of us boys, and while the rest of them sometimes back talked, it was never as horrible as what I'd done, and I'd never done it. The only reason why I never did was because he sort of scared the living shits out of me.

Liam looked at me, with a face full of confusion and hurt. I didn't care though. He was trying to fucking embarrass me in front of the boys, well I for one was not going to sit around and be treated like a fucking moron.

"I'm leaving," I huffed. I walked towards the door, and then slammed it shut.

As I walked around London, it started to rain. I didn't care at that point though, because I was still so pissed at Liam.

He'd hurt me so much within the past month, and now he was trying to do this? It was like this boy had no ends, no qualms about anything. It was like he didn't even care about me, and that hurt.

I was glad that that no one was around to see me sinking to the middle of the sidewalk. I crawled through the rain, not caring about my clothes anymore, until I reached a building that had a little hanging over it to shelter me a little. I sat with my back against the wall, and let the tears start to stream. At least this time, fucking Harry wouldn't be here to interrupt me, and I could finally let all those tears that had been building up over time come out, and let lose.


I wanted to scream at that point. Could no one let me cry in peace anymore?

There. Yet another chapter. So, we're still with Niam right now, and not much Narry happening yet, but don't worry. I'm just getting into the story a little bit. And for you people who may or may not like short chapters, I'm coming out and saying this: I can't write long chapters. Never, ever have I been able to write a long chapter. I prefer short ones anyways, because I feel as though if it's short, people want to find out more, and then they'll come back. Same with cliffhangers. Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter. because I'm not sure how I feel about it.

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