Chapter Eight: Harry's Turn

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Hi. It’s Harry here. Harry Styles, you know that curly guy from One Direction? No wonder why Niall gets frustrated when coming back from here. You guys really don’t know who I am? That’s…wow.

Why am I here? Because, Niall had something to do, so he asked me to come in his place. Liam threw a fit about it, but here I am, nevertheless.

Where was he in the story? Oh, the part where he and Liam agreed to date secretly. Ahhh, thanks Niall for leaving me to tell this part of the story. Actually, this is going to be fascinating.

So, obviously we were all worried about Niall after he ran out, but Liam had told us not to worry, that he would go and find him. How in the world he was supposed to find Niall in such a big city, I wasn’t even sure of, but hell I didn’t exactly have a choice. I’m going to tell you something not many people know: Liam doesn’t get angry easily, but when he does, it’s extremely scary.

So, I wasn’t about to make angry Liam come out in the open, because I was afraid to death of that guy.

Anyways, so Louis, Zayn, and I were sitting around our living room, being bored, when I couldn’t take the anxiety of not knowing whether Niall was okay or not. I got up, let out a frustrated growl, and then walked away, storming into my room. This was bull crap, and I just wanted to be able to be myself as I let the feelings wash over me.

Even back then, I was completely sure of my feelings for Niall. I had been nursing them for so long. It was during a random concert that I’d figured out my feelings. I just looked at Niall during one of our songs, and ever since, I’d wanted to wake up in the morning, and see his face laying there next to me.

And, I knew about Niall liking Liam. It was so obvious. He probably didn’t realize it, but he stared at Liam a lot. It wasn’t often you caught him looking at someone other than Liam. Sure, sometimes he looked pissed when he glanced at Liam, but a lot of the time, the expression he wore was one someone in love would wear.

It killed me to know that Niall was in love with Liam, because I wanted Niall for myself. And all you had to do was look at Liam while talking to Niall to know that he felt the same way. Even when Liam was frustrated with Niall, it was a gentle kind of frustrated.

I’d figured they’d been dating for a while now. Obviously, I now know I was wrong. Now I know exactly when they started dating, but back then I had no idea.

Anyways, this is putting some of you to sleep. Don’t be afraid to admit it. I can see you drooling there. It’s kind of disgusting, to tell you the truth. But, I’ll stop putting you to sleep, and get back to the story.

When I reached my room, I shut the door, and then I started punching crap. I punched the wall, I punched my end table, I punched the bed, the pillow, hell I even punched my TV. The back, so it wouldn’t break the screen.

After I’d gotten all my frustration out on random inanimate objects, I sat down on the bed. One of our songs came to my mind as I thought about what I had assumed was Niall and Liam’s secret relationship.

Would he say he’s in L-O-V-E

Well if it was me, I would

Would he hold you when you’re feeling low

Baby you should know I would

I wondered to myself if Liam had ever told Niall he loved him? I wondered why they hadn’t opened up about dating each other yet. I was curious to so many things, but I wasn’t about to ask Niall. It’s not like I could anyways.

Am I still putting you guys to sleep? That’s pathetic. I’m trying to spill out my guts to you guys, and I’m putting most of you to sleep? You guys have no heart. Fine, you don’t want to listen to my story, I’m leaving. And I’m going to tell Niall that I’m not coming back because you’re all heartless monsters.

What, are you apologizing now? I don’t care. I’m still leaving. Goodbye.

There. What did you guys think of the new POV? I like Harry. He interacts more with the audience. But, he might not be coming back. It depends on what you think about it. Do you want Liam to tell his side of the story too? Because I could split it between Harry, Niall, and Liam if you want. Well, I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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