Chapter Nine: Bloody Nosy Moron

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It's me Niall, I'm back. Did Harry come yesterday? Wait, he called you heartless monsters? I'm gonna kill that boy one of these days. Oh, he also told you about his feelings he had. Yeah. I'm not sure if I believe him. Harry has a tendency of saying things he doesn't mean. You'll find out more about that later on in my story. But, I'll get back to my story.

A couple days passed, and Liam and I were having a good secret relationship. No one found out about us, and we kept sneaking out of the house, and just having fun spending time together. We stayed away from the paparazzi,  going to remote locations no one would expect members of One Direction to ever go.

However, soon it was time for the tour to begin. We had to all board our tour bus, and get ready for eight months on the road, just the five of us for companions. I was just super glad that I got over being upset with Liam before then, because on the tour bus it would be impossible to be truly upset with anyone. It was such close quarters on there.

When we boarded the tour bus, we quickly divvied the rooms.

"Louis and I will share," Zayn said quickly.

"I'll share with Niall," both Harry and Liam said at the same time.

I looked between the two of them. I wanted to choose Liam, obviously because we were together, but if I did, maybe the rest of the boys would get suspicious. I hoped Liam would understand why I said what I said.

"I'll share with Harry," I said quietly.

Liam looked pissed. He honestly did not look happy to lose to Harry. He glared at me, and then kind of stomped to the smallest bedroom, the bedroom whoever didn't have a roommate, always got. And then he slammed the door behind him.

Harry glanced at me, and then he kind of smiled, as though he'd just had a personal victory.

I wasn't a fan of Harry at that point, especially what happened when we went into our newly shared room.

Harry sat me down on the bottom bunk, and then he turned to me, and said, "What's going on between you and Liam?"

"Nothing," I said, raising  my voice just a tad bit than normal.

"I don't believe you." He had his arms crossed, as though he as mad at me or something.

I glared at him. Why did he have to get into my business? What was it to him what was going on between me and Liam?

"You know what?"


"You're a bloody nosy moron. And I think I'd rather share my room with Liam than with you."

"Niall..." Harry started, but I'd already walked out of the room.

I had made up my mind. I was going to stay with Liam for the rest of the tour, in the dinky room that only had one bed in it. Oh well.

Did I know then that walking away from Harry was a colossal mistake? Back then, I did not. Now, I almost wished I had.

There. That's this chapter of AWS. What did you guys think of it? I hope you guys truly enjoyed it, because I liked the chapter. And this one was a little harder to write, but I got it up. You may not believe it, but it takes me about two-three hours just to write one chapter of this book. You may be going, "But Matt, they're so short." Well, see even though they're short, it doesn't mean I can just write it like that. Because I can't. I'm not magic. And sometimes, when I write, I struggle with words. It's why I'm not that good of a writer, because I prefer acting and singing. But, I'm doing it, because I like writing, not because I may or may not be good. And I'm hoping that by writing on here, I get better, and then who knows, maybe one day I'll write longer chapters.

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