Chapter Two: Well, This Sucks

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Hey, it's me Niall again. I'm not bothering with where I'm from, because if you don't remember who I am, well I guess then you have some crappy memory.

Anyways, back to my story.

I was relieved when Harry, Lou, and Zayn walked back in, because it gave me an excuse to jump up off the couch, and say, "I have to go to sleep, goodnight!" And then I went running off into my room. I'm pretty sure that everyone else looked at me like I was weird.

I sat in my room then, trying to decide what the hell was going on. I had never once thought of Liam or any of the other guys as hot before then, and here I was, wanting to kiss Liam, wanting to wrap myself around him, and undress, I couldn't. 

I remember feeling as if I had poisoned myself with how I was thinking. I remember not quite believing that I could be gay.

The thing about me is that I have always thought of myself as straight. I'd even dated a couple girls in my life. Never ever have I thought of myself as gay, or even bisexual. And here I was, crushing on one of my best mates. I wasn't sure why I felt like this, I just knew that I did.

As I was thinking about my sexuality, I heard a knocking on the door.

"Nialler, are you okay?" It was Lou.

"I'm good," I replied earnestly.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure," I said.

Lou came in, and he smiled at me.

"Hey, Nialler," he said, smiling. "Do you mind if I ask you a question that may or may not be considered personal?"

"Depends on what the question is," I replied. I remember being nervous as hell, wondering what Lou had wanted to ask me.

"Are you in love in Liam?"

Well, this sucks. That's what was going through my mind. This fucking sucks.

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