Chapter Twenty-Four: Awkward Way of Sealing It

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Hey guys! It's Niall here today. Anyways, next time, we'll have someone else here, but right now it's just me. So, let's get on with this crazy as hell story here.

I took Hannah out into the living room section of the tour bus after discovering her. And I glared at her when she took the seat next to Harry, and smiled at the curly haired boy.

Harry let a small smile, but it looked more like he was in pain, but Hannah must not've noticed because she was smiling like a fool.

Suddenly Louis said, "We're stopping in a town a half hour to get food, we could drop Hannah off there, coudln't we?"

"Yeah," I said eagerly, wanting to get rid of the little witch. "And we can get Paul to call her parents and they can come pick her up. We have a tour to get on with, one that has already been semi-delayed because of her. We can't have it delayed anymore."

"God, when did you become such a Liam?" Zayn asked, sticking his tongue out at me, and in return I threw a pillow at his face. He caught it, and chucked it back at me, but I ducked, and it hit Hannah square in the face. And then all five of us boys started laughing, because at that point she started crying, as though a pillow could actually hurt someone.

A half hour later, we had dropped the witch off in town, and we were on our way to the next destination of our tour.

I was hanging out in mine and Harry's shared room (I kicked Liam out when he was a butthole towards Harry) when Harry came walking in. He sat on the small as hell bed next to me, and gave me a hug. "I love you," he whispered.

"I know you do."

"Do you love me back? The way I love you?"

"Harry, I told you, I'm not sure about..."

"Niall, that's bullshit! Please," he kissed my cheek.

I turned to look at him, and I was sure he was about to kiss my cheek again, but instead our lips met, and he was kissing me, and soon I was kissing back. And I felt something more, something that felt nice.

When he pulled away, he said, "Do you really not love me?"

"Maybe I do," I said, smiling. "Maybe we can be boyfriends."

And that was that.

Shit shit shit! That's basically what this chapter was...Narry deserved a better way of geting together but I've been sick and gone and it's been too long since I updated so you guys basically are getting a shitty chapter. Dedication to someone who probably will freak over this chapter because last chapter they were freaking out over yeah :p And they're cool...

I don't know when I'm gonna get around to updating again...I'm still sick as fuck...

Love you guys :)

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