Chapter Three: Liam is Here

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Hi, it's Niall again. Really? You still don't have it through your head where I'm from? Well, I guess this will be the last time I tell you: I am from One Direction!

Anyways, back to my story. Wait, where was I? Oh, thank you, that's right, I was where Lou walked in and asked me if I had a crush on Liam. Okay, so back to where I was.

I looked at Lou surprisingly. "Where would you get that idea from?" In my head though, I mentally slapped myself. I couldn't be that obvious. Could I?

"You like him," Lou said simply. He smiled at me. And then, he simply left the room, leaving the door open. I fell over, wanting to scream to myself. I settled with a scream in my head.

After Lou left, I fell over in bed, and fell quickly asleep. I remember my dream from that night clearly, as it was the first time I'd ever dreamt about Liam. Yeah, I had a sex dream about my best mate. You have a problem with that? Well, leave then, because that's what this story is about.

I'm not going into too much detail about the dream, because I see a couple of kids out there who look like they're too young to be hearing this kind of thing. But, I will tell you that it was an amazing dream, and when I woke up, I found myself in a sticky situation, if you understand what I mean.

I then found out what woke me from my amazing dream: there was someone at the door, and they were knocking.

"Who is it?" I called.

"It's Liam," the voice called back.

And this is where this is going to get real interesting. Stick around to find out. I'm not done for the day, but just listen to this part.

I remember distinctively thinking that maybe Liam picked up on the vibe that I liked him, because Louis did. Or maybe, Louis was the one who told him. I remember hoping he didn't know I liked him.

"Come in," I said in a squeaky voice.

And Liam entered. He was wearing nothing but boxers. Yeah, we didn't care if we walked around half naked, and Harry liked to go streaking (that's an important part later on in the story) but I'd never noticed how nice Liam's chest was. I'd never noticed how nice and toned his muscles were. I really liked him. He was the picture of perfection.

"Hey, Niall, we're all worried about you," Liam said to me.

Of course that gets a bunch of awws from you guys. You are all suckers for this kind of stuff. Well, you try living this sort of life, and then tell me if it receives an aww from yourself.

Liam smiled, and continued on. "Are you okay Niall? Did I do something wrong yesterday? Because quite frankly, you ran out of the living room yesterday like you were a deer caught in headlights. Niall, please tell me this isn't my fault."

Of course it was, but do you guys think I'm so heartless to tell him that? Because that would be incredibly rude of me. Especially when I was already so deep in this mess.

"No, of course it's not," I said.

"Good," Liam said, "because I was getting all these vibes last night, and I stayed up half the night worrying that I did something wrong."

"V-v-vibes?" I asked, scared. "What kind of vibes?"

"Vibes that told me to do this," Liam said, smiling. Then, he leaned in, and slowly it dawned on me what was happening. Then, his lips met mine, and I was thrown into a bunch of fireworks.

How was that? Finally, some action happening! I hope you like this because quite frankly, the next chapter is going to be even more interesting.

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