Chapter Twenty-Six: Struck Twice

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Hey! It's Niall here! So, Liam came last time, and quite frankly, we have almost reached the end of my story. Hey! Don't be upset, seriously. We all know all good stories must come to an end. Anyways, I'm bringing both boys back next time for one final time.

So, Liam didn't tell you any of our story. Let me continue on.

It was almost a year since Harry and I finally got together, and we were about to come out to the world. We knew we were ready for this, for the fans to decide whether they would hate us, or love us. And it was frightening in a way. But, I was ready.

I already know there's no fans out there of One Direction, otherwise you would know who I am everytime I come out. Heehee...get my joke there? No? Damn, you guys have no humor. But, you might've heard about this, because this part of the story happened two months ago, two months ago to the day.

However, of course, things did not like going well. Let me explain this.

Harry and I were backstage of our next concert Venue, which was, very ironically, in the States.

"You nervous, Babe?" he asked me.

"I'm okay," I whispered. It was a lie, of course, but it was obvious he was shaking with the nerves, and I didn't want to add to that by telling him I was nervous as well.

"Liar," he whispered. "You're so nervous, and it's so adorable. Don't be nervous. I'm nervous for the both of us." He kissed my forehead. "It's going to be okay, really. They're going to love us."

"They'd love it better if you were with Lou," I whispered.

"Shush," he said, kissing me again. "I don't love Lou. I love you."

"I know," I whispered. I still couldn't help but thinking that it would be better if it were Larry Stylinson coming out, and not Narry Storan. Maybe then it would be okay.

"C'mon lovebirds," Zayn said, walking up, clasping his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Concert is going to be starting soon."

We all ran out on stage, and Harry's hand was in mine. "It's okay," he whispered.

"Everyone!" he yelled to the crowd. "I have news from One Direction! You see, me and Niall, we are d-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence because suddenly Liam shoved him backwards, and I was about to yell at him, but then suddenly he fell backward, hit by something that I miss. And all I could see was blood.


Am I mean for leaving you guys off on this? And just think! THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! :p Well, there's an epilogue...but STILL! Dedication to someone who's only read the first few chapters but I like their comments :p So they'll get this once they get here :p

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