I'm Having The Alpha's Baby. [2]

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I awoke from the nap Mark made me take to calm myself. Glancing up at the clock, I realized it was 1:30 in the afternoon and it's probably time to get up. After crawling out of bed and walking into the living room, I realized Mark was no where to be found.

"Mark?" I asked out loud, receiving no answer in return. I decided I would just go down to the Ben and Carrie's floor.

"Aubrey!" Carrie shouted the moment I walked in. She was sitting on the couch, with the television on.

"Hey Carrie, have you seen Mark?" I asked giving a quick glance around their living room.

"He didn't wake you up and tell you?" She asked giving me a look of pity.

"Tell me what?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Mark and Ben were called to help another pack in train for their battles with rouges. I thought he would tell you, Aubrey, I'm so sorry!" She said reaching over and patting a spot on the chair next to her. I sat down and placed my head in my hands.

"I can't believe he didn't wake me up and tell me. How long will they be gone?" I asked. Sometimes he left for months at a time. Carrie was due really soon and it would be horrible if Ben couldn't be there for the birth of his child.

"Ben told me a month at the most, but you know that's always what they say." She said, the look of sadness creeping back on her face.

"Well you know I'm here for you, CareBear." I said holding her hand and saying her nickname that we've had for each other since we met three years ago.

"And me!" Sadie shouting entering the room. I smiled at her and she flopped down next to me. "I say, now that you guys don't have men breathing down your pregnant necks, we get to shopping for baby stuff and maternity clothes!"

"And how exactly do you expect me to get up from this couch when I'm nine months pregnant?" Carrie asked staring at Sadie like she had grown a second head.

"They have wheelchairs, smart one. Also, walking makes you go into labor faster!" Sadie said placing her hands on Carrie's very pregnant belly, smiling when she felt baby Scott kick her.

"I don't want to go into labor when Ben isn't here! Besides, I have at least a month before I give birth, Sadie. If you're forgetting, baby wolves take longer to be born." She said in a 'duh' tone to Sadie.

"Whatever, lets just go!" She said pulling me up and then Carrie. Carrie groaned as she grabbed her back.

"Wait til you're this far along, and this fat! You'll prefer the morning sickness to this." She said rubbing her huge stomach.

"Well I've got a while to go, so I think I'm good." I said lightly feeling my small baby bump, which, if possible, has gotten bigger since I took a nap.

"How far along are you?" Carrie asked.

"Eight weeks." I said with a smile.

"Won't be long now before you start showing! The months go by quickly, until you get this big, then everyday feels like a week!" She said pointing at her large and rounded stomach.

"I hope I look as cute as you when I'm that big." I said looking at Carrie's adorable glowing face.

"Yeah, yeah, enough with the freaking baby talk! We've got a thirty minute drive before we can get to the mall and I really want to go shopping!" Sadie said, pulling us out of the room and down the stairs.

"I wonder when Mark will leave that manipulator and realize that I'm his true mate. I mean seriously, I doubt that baby is even his." I heard Katie's snobby voice speak from around the corner, anger instantly seeping through me.

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