I'm Having The Alpha's Baby. [15]

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I awoke with a pounding headache, my vision was so blurry that the only thing I could make out was a figure standing over me. I shut my eyes in an effort to release some of the tension in my head, but that only made it worse. The figure started talking and then began to crouch down towards me.

"Wake up, bitch." I heard it say, a voice that sounded very familiar. My vision began to clear and I realized that it was Kadie, mere inches from my face, with a cynical look on her face. My wrists began to burn and I looked down to realize they were tied together with rope, as were my ankles.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice cracked as I realized how dry my mouth was.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Kadie asked rhetorically. "I'm going to kill you slowly, and your fucking brats. Do you know how long I've waited for this moment?" She continued, an insane gleam in her eye.

"Where are my babies?" I asked, looking around the room for them. They were not in here, and I couldn't even hear their cries. Please God, tell me she didn't kill them.

"Where are my babies?" She replied mockingly. "Shut up and let me talk." She said, slapping me across the face. It took all I had in me not to burst out in tears and beg for my babies' sake. I know that would only fuel her. "I'm going to take each of your little bastards, and murder them, in front of you. I want you to feel all of the pain and heartache that I've had to deal with for all of these years. Sure, I don't have any children, but you took away the only thing that ever mattered to me, Mark."

"Kadie!" I heard a voice call from across the room, in the doorway. There stood, none other than the only other woman that hates me as much as Kadie, Scarlett. In her arms she was holding a screaming and red faced Ty. I've never heard him scream like this before, it was almost as if someone was crushing him. I wanted to badly to take my little boy in my arms and make him stop, but I knew I couldn't. This killed me.

"What?" Shouted Kadie, above Ty's screams.

"He won't shut up! Neither will the other one! I can't take it!" Scarlett shouted back.

"So put a fucking bottle in his mouth and shut him up. Can't you see that I'm busy?!" Kadie said angrily, stalking over to Scarlett and slamming the door shut. Ty's screams still muffled through the doorway, but slowly faded until I couldn't hear them anymore.

"He needs me, so does Brielle. If you just let me take care of them, they'll be quiet, I promise." I said, calmly.

"I don't care, they'll be dead soon anyways." Kadie said, with a roll of her eyes. "I can't wait to kill all three of you. I've been waiting a long time for this moment, and it's going to feel amazing. Mark will finally be mine and then we can raise children of our own. He won't so much as even think about you once he has me. After you die, I'll get him to break the bond, so we can be together." She finished maliciously.

"Kadie, please think about what you're doing. You have a mate out there, looking for you right now. Open your eyes, Mark is mated to me." I said, hoping to get through the cloudiness in her mind.

"Oh shut up, I don't even want to hear your voice, it only annoys me." Kadie said, before walking out of the door and locking it from the outside. I have to find a way out of here, but most importantly, a way to save my children.


Mark's POV

I ran through the woods for the millionth time, still no Aubrey. She couldn't have just left me like that, we're mates. One argument couldn't have made her leave, and especially take the twins away from me! I haven't left my wolf form for days, constantly searching. I have everyone in the pack searching for Aubrey and the babies. Her sent went to the road, and then vanished. It didn't feel right.

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