I'm Having The Alpha's Baby. [3]

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  • Dedicated to all of my fans!

"Isn't this so exciting?" The doctor asked me while printing a couple pictures of the ultrasound and cleaning the blue gel off of my stomach.

"It's very, very unexpected." I said with a unsure of how to really feel. I can't decide whether to be excited or scared. I now have two babies on the way. Two babies that are going to rely on me for everything. I really hope I'm going to be ready by time that happens.

"Well, the office is about to close, so I'm going to give you your pictures, let you get dressed, then go on home and share the great news with everyone." She said taking off her rubber gloves, handing me my ultrasound pictures, and walking out. I got up and got dressed, then headed home. Today has been a really long day, and I would just like to sleep.

"Aubrey!" I heard Carrie shout as I made my way up the stairs, to my floor. I turned and walked into Carrie's floor. She was once again sitting on the couch with a pillow underneath her back and blankets sprawled lightly around her. "How was the ultrasound?" She asked, her face lighting up.

"I'm having twins!" I said happily, but with exhaustion evident in my voice.

"Yay! Now Scott will have two friends to play with!" She said rubbing her huge belly.

"I'm going to go upstairs and pass out, you should too." I said getting up tiredly and walking upstairs. I changed into a large shirt of Marks, and a really old pair of his boxers that somewhat fit me, then passed out on the bed. Just as I was almost asleep, my phone went off.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Baby!" I heard Mark's deep voice answer.

"Hey." I said tiredly.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving. It was last minute, and very urgent. Also, you were sleeping so peacefully that I didn't have the nerve to wake you up." He said sadly.

"Mark, it's fine." I said sitting up in bed.

"So I have some big news." Mark said, not sounding too happy.

"Me too, but you go first." I said leaning my head back against the headboard.

"Well, I'm going to be spending probably the next six months over here.." He said quietly, his voice trailing off.

"And I'm having twins." I said trying to put some cheer in my voice. Six months would by far be the longest time I've ever spent away from him. His trips seem to just keep getting longer as the rouges just keep attacking packs. How can I expect him to be around, not only for one but two babies, when he's never home.

"That's great Aubrey!" He said, I could practically see the smile break out across his face. It made me give a weak smile, but I remembered I was mad and it went away shortly after.

"No, Mark, it's not. You'll probably come home, stay until a week or so after the babies are born, then go on another trip. These babies need a father Mark, not just some guy who comes around when he can. I'm going to be a mother of two babies, and I will barely be eighteen by then. I'm honestly beginning to wonder why I don't just move back with my mom so she can help me take care of my children." I said angrily into the phone. I instantly regretted saying that, I didn't really mean the part about me leaving. Or did I?

"Aubrey, please don't leave. It will kill me if you leave, it will kill you too. You know mates can't be away from each other for more than a year before it physically begins kills them. They're OUR babies, Aubrey. We created them together, and we're going to raise them together. I'm sure I can get the alpha of the Sundance pack to take over my duties until the twins are old enough to be able to be left with just you for a couple weeks." He said, his voice pleading.

"Give me some time to think, Mark." I said hanging up. I passed out into a tired and sad sleep.

"AUBREY! SADIE! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!" I woke up to sound of Carrie screaming loudly for help.


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Edited 06/21/2014

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