I'm Having The Alpha's Baby. [5]

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Two months later.

I'm sixteen weeks pregnant now, and my baby belly is pretty prominent. It looks like I'm at least six months pregnant now, and random strangers have started putting their hands on my stomach. Mark and I have been fighting a lot lately, he told me he thinks he'll be there for longer than expected, almost a year. However, he's coming home for a week today.

I sat in bed and rubbed my belly. My little babies are already my world and I can't wait to meet them. I know Mark is trying his best to get home and be here for me, but it's not just me he needs to be here for anymore, it's our babies. I grew up with my father there for me, and I want my kids to be able to experience the same. However, if the rouges keep getting more powerful, my babies will have to grow up only seeing their dad a couple weeks every other month or so. Mark had to bring in almost a third of our pack to help the other small packs in their war with the rouges. Ben agreed to go down and take over Mark's job for a couple of weeks so Mark could see me. You could tell Ben really didn't want to leave Scott and Carrie. For the past two months he's done nothing but help Carrie out with Scott any way he can. Scott is already growing so fast and I visit him every day. He's the happiest baby I've ever seen, always smiling and cooing.

It's weird to think, that Scott will be the next beta, and if I have a boy, he'll be the next alpha. I refuse to do what Mark's mother did and send him off to train when he was only five. I will be an amazing mother to my children.

A week ago, I went to visit Mark's mother, to make amends and tell her that she can still see her grandchildren, but it didn't go so well..


I took a calming breath before knocking on the door. A maid answered the door with a smile. "Hello, Ms. Aubrey, I wasn't planning on seeing you for a while here!" She said smiling.

"I'm here to see Scarlet, is she home?" I asked returning the smile. I could feel my insides being to knot with nervousness. I was here to apologize and let her know that if she wants to, she can see her grandchildren.

"In the living room, come on in." The maid said as I walked inside. Scarlet was sitting on the couch with a martini in hand, reading a magazine.

"Scarlet?" I asked, you could hear the shakiness in my voice. She looked up, giving me a go to hell look. I felt the tears forming in my eyes already. Damn hormones!

"What do you want?" She asked, venom dripping from her words.

"I was just going to apologize for what happened." I said, I felt small under her glare.

"Well if you're expecting an apology from me, you might as well just leave. I will never apologize to the bitch who seduced my son and got pregnant just to keep him around. You're just a gold digger, and I doubt you are even his mate. Katie and I talk almost everyday, and we're certain she's his mate. Why can't you just tell the truth that the babies aren't Mark's and just leave?" She asked, meaning every word. Tears fell from my face as I felt the sting of her words sinking in. I tried to compose myself, but I didn't do it well.

"Why do you hate me so much? I haven't done anything to you!" I said through gritted teeth.

"You stole my son and seduced him. Hopefully, while he's gone, he'll realize he doesn't want you. I wouldn't be surprised if the baby you're carrying isn't even his." She spat at me. That made me lose it.

"You know what? Forget I ever came over here to apologize! If I ever see you again, it will be too soon. You probably love the fact that Katie harasses me! You probably pay her to do it. I'm going to be a better mother to my BABIES then you were ever to Mark. Yeah, that's right, I said BABIES. I'm having twins! You'll never even see them! How can you even call yourself a mother?! You made a nanny raise Mark!" I screamed at her before stomping out. I had to leave before she tried to attack me again. Mark was there to protect me last time, but no one will be this time. I sat in my car and bawled my eyes out.

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