I'm Having The Alpha's Baby. [13]

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 Carrie, Sadie, and I all sat down in Carrie's apartment drinking tea and talking while the babies slept.

  "I can't wait til I get to bring my little munchkin around yours." Sadie said with a dazed off look while slightly rubbing her flat stomach.

  "Trust me, you like them better while they're in your stomach. They can't cry and keep you up all night while they're still in there." I said looking over to my sleeping babies. Brielle had a slight smile on her face and I only wish I could see what she was dreaming of.

  "The post-partum depression is the worst. Aubrey, I'm so sorry for saying the things I did to you back at the training camp. I was just so stressed and tired, I didn't mean any of it." Carrie said looking at me sincerely.

 "You know I never even thought of it that way. I've been pretty lucky, I haven't felt very depressed, just tired. They don't tell you that the fatigue continues once you give birth." I said with a slight yawn. For the past week I've gotten the twins on a slight routine, and when they nap, I nap.

 "Well I think I'm the lucky one, no morning sickness yet." Sadie said with a triumphant smile. She was absolutely glowing and her smile hasn't disappeared once since she met her mate.

 "Yeah, it is the worst." I said, trying to stifle another yawn. "You know, I think it's nap time for mommy too." I said getting up and putting the twins back in their stroller.

 "Bye!" Carrie and Sadie both said while I started to wheel my sleeping twins to Mark and I's apartment.

 Opening the door sent a wave of shock through me, the entire apartment was trashed. The TV was thrown half way across the living room, furniture scattered everywhere, and stuff from the twin's room was scattered all over the hallway. However, the most shocking thing, was written in black paint on the wall, "You got lucky this time, bitch." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and frantically dialed Marks' number.

 "Hey babe, miss me already?" He said in his usual smug way.

 "Mark, can you please come home. Kadie was here and she trashed the place. Please, Mark, I'm scared." I tried to say as quietly as possible, so as to not wake the twins.

 "I'm on my way now, do not move." Mark said, quickly switching to his alpha tone and ending the call.

 Within a minute, Mark was next to me, checking me over and the twins.

 "We're fine, Mark. I'm just shaken up." I said. He looked at the wall, and saw the message. Anger took over his features and I could tell he was about to shift. Placing a calming hand on his shoulder, I could see him slowly come down.

 "I WILL kill her, Aubrey. I'm done with this." Mark said as he pulled me tightly into his arms. I nodded my head into his chest and the fatigue set in. "Come on, we can stay at the guest cabin for a little bit, while I get some people to clean this up and redecorate." Mark said letting go of me and pushing the stroller towards the direction of the elevator. It was such a funny and wonderful sight to see my big and powerful husband, pushing a baby stroller while our twins slept inside.


I promise to upload soon, I just had to get a chapter in before the next big chapter!

PLEASE forgive me?? I love you all!

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