I'm Having The Alpha's Baby. [9]

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I woke up to the sounds of whispering down the hall. Straining my ears, I could somewhat hear the conversation.

"You have to tell her!" The first voice whispered.

"I can't! It's her birthday tomorrow! Who wants to hear that the guy that practically tried to rape her and the girl that would do anything to get with me are back in town?" The other voice whispered. I figured out right away that the voice was Mark's. I let out a small gasp, and instantly the whispering stopped. Closing my eyes, I made it look like I was still asleep. The door opened, and soon after I felt the familiar dip in the bed. Warm arms pulled me towards an equally warm chest and I sighed, it felt so good.

"I know you're up." Mark whispered in my ear.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked turning my face in his direction. It was so dark in this room.

"I don't want you to be worried and stressed out. Baby listen to me, you and the twins are all I have to live for. If I lose you, I lose myself. I want you to be able to walk outside and not fear that Adam or anybody else is going to attack you. I will find him, and when I do, I will kill him." Mark said defiantly into my ear.

"I believe you." I said reaching out for him in the dark. I felt his arm and wrapped mine around his. My face snuggled into his chest and he kissed the top of my head.

"Go back to sleep, happy birthday baby." Mark whispered into my ear as I closed my eyes. My mind drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

The smell of pancakes woke me up. My eyes fluttered open to see light streaming in through the windows. Feeling nothing next to me, I realized Mark was probably the one making pancakes. I struggled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, following the delicious smell. Whistling filled my ears as I walked into the kitchen. Mark was whistling while flipping a pancake.

"Mmmmm, smells yummy!" I exclaimed sitting on a stool. Mark was instantly in front of me giving me a small kiss.

"Happy birthday, gorgeous." Mark said giving me another kiss and getting back to his pancakes. The babies instantly started kicking me. I put my hands on my stomach and smiled. It's as if they were telling me happy birthday.

"Ty and Brielle are in a great mood." I said noticing that they were kicking even more than usual. "I think it's because daddy is making mommy's favorite pancakes!" I said happily. Mark chuckled and flipped a pancake.

"I think it's because mommy is in a really good mood." Mark said putting a plate full of pancakes on a plate in front of me.

"Where's my bacon and syrup?" I asked with a pout. He laughed and handed me a plate of bacon and a bottle of syrup. "Thank you baby." I said diving into my food.

"You act like you haven't eaten in years." Sadie said pulling up a seat next to me.

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