I'm Having The Alpha's Baby. [6]

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"Aubrey, baby please wake up. I'm so sorry about stressing you out. I got Ben to take over for a couple more weeks so I can be here for you. I didn't realize just how much you needed me. I'll never be gone for more than a month again. I promise, baby things are going to change." I heard Mark say softly to me as he squeezed my hand. My eyes fluttered open to see a hospital room and Mark next to me.

"What happened?" I asked, slowly taking in the fact that I was lying in a hospital bed with machines hooked up to me.

"You got so stressed out, your blood pressure spiked, and you passed out. I'm so sorry, I never should have yelled at you! I was just so pissed off about Katie. I'll never raise my voice to you again!" Mark said resting his head on my hand.

"Mark, it's okay. I forgive you. It was pretty stupid of me to go over to your mothers. I should have known that she was going to do that. It's just with you being gone, Katie harassing me, and us fighting, I just couldn't take it." I said running my other hand through his hair. He lifted his head and kissed my stomach. "Oh my gosh, are the babies okay?!" I asked, wrapping a protective arm around my stomach. A look of sadness passed over his face. "Please tell me everything is okay!" I shouted, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Yes, everything is okay, but your high blood pressure was really bad for them, and they put you on bedrest for two weeks. That's why I'm staying for an extra two weeks, to watch over you." He said placing one hand on my stomach gently.

"I put my babies in danger! I'm going to be a horrible mom!" I shouted as the tears flowed freely.

"Baby, no you aren't. You've been stressed out because of all of the things going on lately! DO NOT blame yourself. Calm down, the babies need you to relax." He said soothingly rubbing up and down my arm.

"Well it's good to see you awake." The doctor said as she came in with a smile on her face.

"It's good to be awake." I said returning the smile.

"Well I figured, since you're already here, that you might want to do your sixteen week ultrasound?" She said pointing to the ultrasound machine next to me.

"Yes!" Mark said excitedly. I forgot that he hasn't been to see any of my ultrasounds. She looked at me for verification and I nodded.

"I assume you're the proud father?" The doctor asked Mark with a smile.

"Yes, I am." Mark said with a wide grin on his face.

"Well then let's get started!" The doctor said as I lifted up the top of the hospital gown to right under my chest. The blanket covered my lower half. She squirted the blue gel on my stomach and slowly moved the wand around my growing stomach. "There's baby number one!" She said pointing to the small blur on the screen. "There's it's head, and it's toes." She said pointing out the head and toes on the ultrasound machine.

"Do you know what the gender is?" Mark asked, studying the screen, probably looking for baby body parts.

"Well I was just about to ask you if you wanted to know." The doctor said with small laugh.

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