I'm Having The Alpha's Baby. [4]

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         Carrie's screams jolted me out of bed, the quickness causing me to feel dizzy momentarily. As soon as it passed, I ran down the stairs and into Carrie's living room. "CARRIE?!" I shouted, seeing she wasn't in her usual place on the couch. 

         "I'm in here! Aubrey, help me please!" She screamed, her loud voice filling the floor quickly. Sadie flew past me and into Carrie's bedroom. I was almost immersed in the amazement of her speed but Carrie's groans of pain quickly pulling me out of it. I ran to her bedroom to see Sadie helping her walk to the door. Carrie had a hand holding her large stomach with a painful look on her face. I quickly rushed to the other side of her.

 "I can't do this! It's too early! Ben has to be here! He can't miss Scott's birth!" Carrie shouted frantically. Tears streamed down her face as we walked her down to the car. Many of the people in the house were watching us, offering help. We told them that we had it and managed to get Carrie to the car and Sadie sped up.

 "Carrie, you need to have this baby? If it's on it's way tonight. Ben will be sad, but it's your baby that you should be worrying about." I said rubbing her shoulder as another contraction went through her. She grabbed ahold of the door's armrest and squeezed tightly. The armrest quickly smashed into nothing but a heat of metal and what little cushion there was. Her strength was scary, and there was no way she was holding my hand during the birth.

 "You're right. It's all about Scott right now." She said, after the contraction passed and she did her breathing. I continued to rub her back soothingly as Sadie sped through the road, getting to the hospital in record time. I jumped out of the car and grabbed Carrie a wheelchair. She climbed into it slowly and I wheeled her inside.

 "CAN WE PLEASE GET A DOCTOR?!" I shouted. Immediately a nurse, in blue scrubs, ran out from behind a door and pushed Carrie into a wheelchair. Right behind us, Sadie ran, at a fast human pace to not draw any unwanted attention. We got to the maternity ward and they placed Carrie in a room.

 "Ahhhhhh! Can we get this over with?! And can someone PLEASE call my husband?!" Carrie shouted through gritted teeth as another contraction spread through her.

 "I'll call Ben." I said trying to calm Carrie down. She nodded at me and I left the room to call him. The thought of me giving birth scared me, she looked in so much pain, and she was a werewolf with a high tolerance for pain! I shivered at the thought of how it would feel for me. Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I called Ben.

 "BEN!" I shouted into the phone as he answered the call after a couple rings.

 "Aubrey? What's going on?" Ben asked with a scared tone in his voice.

 "Carrie's in labor! She needs you here! Is there anyway you can get here?!" I shouted into the phone.

 "Carrie's IN LABOR? I thought she had another month! The fastest I can get there is in an hour. Do you think she'll have the baby by then?!" He asked frantically in the phone.

 "I'm not sure Ben, but her contractions are getting pretty close. Just come now!" I said really hoping he gets here in time. I would hate to have to give birth without Mark there. I wonder if Mark will even be able to make it to the birth. Rouges, lately, have become more and more powerful and have been attacking a lot of the packs. They haven't attacked our pack, because we're so powerful it's practically a suicide mission. However, they've been attacking smaller packs. Mark always has to go and help train packs about how to fight rogues. He typically is only gone for a month at a time, and that's really only every five to six months. This trip, if it lasts six months, will be his longest. Of course, his longest trip would happen when I'm pregnant.

 "Aubrey!" I heard Ben's voice from the other side of the line yell, ripping me from my thoughts.

 "Yeah?" I asked still kind of dazed.

 "I said, tell her I'll be there as soon as I can, now I have to go. Bye." He said right before I heard the tone signifying he hung up on me. I went back into Carrie's room, to see her holding roughly onto Sadie's hand while sweating heavily from her forehead.

 "What did he say?!" She asked me the moment I stepped in the door.

 "He said he's on his way right now, but it will probably take him an hour to get here." I said with an apologetic look to Carrie.

 "That's too long! The doctor said I'm dilated to an eight! He said I'll give birth soon! Ahhh!" She shouted, another contraction ripping through her. I shuddered at her high pitched scream, birth looked like hell, and in another eight months, I'd be in her position. I rubbed my tiny baby bump carefully. In another eight months, I'd get to be with my babies. Hopefully Mark would be there too.

 "Carrie, we need you to start pushing. You're fully dilated." The doctor said, seated between Carrie's legs. I need to stop slipping into these daydreams! They keep making me forget about what's going on.

 "No! Ben isn't here! He NEEDS to be here to see the birth of his son!" She shouted at the doctor.

 "Carrie, if you don't push now, the baby could be injured. Please, for the baby, push Carrie." The doctor said calmly to Carrie. Realizing her baby was in jeopardy, Carrie began to push. I was at an angle where I couldn't see anything but Carrie's face twisted in agony as she pushed the life from her. I quickly got by her side, just in time to see them pull her beautiful baby boy from her. They cut the umbilical cord, wrapped him in a towl, then set him on her chest. Tears poured out of Carrie's, Sadie's, and my eyes. At that moment, I realized just how much my babies mean to me, and how they're my world. I wrapped a tight arm around my stomach and smiled as the tears freely flowed.

 Scotty Benjamin Taylor was born on January 22nd. He weighed 9lbs, 7oz, with brown hair and brown eyes. He was gorgeous.

 I watched Carrie hold her now clothed and cleaned baby Scott. He was so adorable, and so big! Ben gently rubbed Carrie's shoulder as he stared down at the spitting image of him. Ben had gotten there half an hour after Carrie had given birth. He was devastated to miss the birth, but glad that one of the nurses got it on video. You could tell he fell in love with his son on first sight. As Carrie and Ben watched their son in complete awe, I stepped out of the room and went home to get some sleep and relax.


So originally, the chapter was longer than this, but I deleted and edited most of it, because it needed it. Don't worry though, a new chapter WILL be out soon!

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