I'm Having The Alpha's Baby. [17]

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The Next Week.

"Sadie, promise me you won't let them have any sugary snacks, only fruit and veggies cut up really really small?" I asked her, as Mark and I stepped out of the door. This would be the first time I'd been away from the twins for longer then a day, since they've been born.

"Yes, yes, I know. I have all the emergency numbers and everything I need. I've already been their nanny for a week, please have some trust in me." She said, gently closing the door behind Mark and I.

"Babe, calm down. Ty and Bri will be fine. Now let's just have some fun on our anniversary weekend." Mark said, placing his hand on the small of my back and gently pushing.

"If you can call it that, our anniversary was a month ago, we just haven't been able to plan it until now." I said, rolling my eyes in his direction.

"Oh the mood swings, can't say I have missed those." He said, giving me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Oh hush, now lets go to the doctor's appointment, and then head out to Hawaii for a week." I said, beginning to walk towards the stairs. Mark followed me, and soon we were in the car headed for the doctor's appointment.

"I hope it's another little girl." Mark said, giving my hand a squeeze.

"It is way too soon to tell the gender, Mark." I said, laying my head against his shoulder.

"I know, babe, I was just thinking out loud." He said, gently placing a kiss on my forehead.

"What if it's another set of twins?" I asked, praying to God that it isn't. I could not handle that.

"That would be amazing! We'd be one step further to our big family." Mark said, a big smile breaking out across his face. I rolled my eyes as we continued to the hospital.

We got there in just enough time to have my name called just moments after we got there.

"Aubrey Richmond!" The nurse called out. Mark and I stood up, and he gave my hand a gentle squeeze as we walked through the mahagony doors. They took my height, weight, and blood pressure, then took me to a room.

"Aubrey, how are you?" My doctor asked as she walked in the room.

"Good, just praying that there is only one baby in there." I said with a nervous laugh.

"Well we'll see about that, now won't we? Just lay back and pull up your shirt." She said, slipping on some white gloves and turning the machine on. "Even though you already know this, this will be cold." She said with a laugh, squeezing the cool blue gel over my lower abdomen.

I closed my eyes and prayed silently to myself that this would just be one little baby.

"Congratulations, Aubrey, you have just one little baby in there." She said, as I opened my eyes and saw my little tadpole on the screen. Tears filled my eyes as the heartbeat suddenly filled the room. The gentle wooshing seemed to bring it all in. In less than a year, that baby would be in my arms.

The gentle squeeze of my hand brought it me back to reality. I looked up at Mark and his eyes were brimming with tears. If only Ty and Brielle were old enough to understand, so they could be here.

"Okay, let's get you all cleaned up, and then we'll get some pictures and a video for you!" My doctor said, bringing both Mark and I back to reality. I simply nodded, the smile never leaving my face. I cleaned up my stomach, then the doctor left the room.

"I love you so much." Mark stated, kissing me as soon as I sat up.

"I love you too, and now I can't wait til he or she is here!" I said, standing up and wrapping my arms around him.

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