Chapter 4- Elevator

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Malachi left yesterday, and there Laureen was, sitting on the top floor  with the lamp off and elevator up. It was dark out, and she was risking  her life up here, but she doubted any killer would be eager enough to  climb two stories worth of logs. Staring up at the sky, Laureen admired  the stars. God, she loved stargazing. She couldn't see them from the  window downstairs, since it was boarded up while Malachi was gone. Even upstairs at this hour, she felt safe in the shadow that the wall against  her back casted.

She felt calm, and content, her eyes a crystal  light blue as she gazed upon the never ending sky. Her sight caught a  falling star, and she smiled softly. She knew wishing on falling stars  was foolish, even her mother had told her that. Laureen thought about  that time, when her mother and herself were in the back room, were the  telescope was. What age was she then? Maybe 7? She hadn't been  stargazing in a while, and being up here at night reminded her just how  much she loved it. She remembered her mothers words that night, and what  she said in return.

"Are you wishing on stars, silly?" she  had said, sitting on the ground beside the 7 year old Laureen, looking  out the opened window with a telescope. "Ms. Junus told us if you wish  on a falling star, it'll come true!" She had said, looking at her mother  with happy pink eyes, mixed with the white around her pupil from her  fascination of astronomy. "That's just a silly rumor. Why would you wish  on something falling? Find a star of your own, a young star, and wish  on that instead." Her mother suggested. "Will my wish come true?"  Laureen had asked. "Maybe. But a wish only does half the work, Laureen.  You have to put in your share of the deal." Mother had said.

Laureen  sighed at the memory. She wondered if she was ever going to see her  mother again. Not that they had a very good connection any more, her  mother goes away for so long she forgets what her daughter looks like.  She could remember her changing eyes and the color of her hair, but not her skin tone or how her hair was parted. She didn't know how tall she  was, what her interests were, or if she actually liked the school she  went to. 'But it doesn't matter now' Laureen reminded herself. Her  mother would turn her in if she saw her again, her past husband being a lawyer and valuing the law. This left a stain on her heart, respecting and honoring the law before anything.

Laureen frowned at that thought. The lawyer, her father, left her and her mother a few years  after she was born. How her mother managed to etch that part of him so roughly into her personality was beyond her, as she knew they weren't  too happy together. She forced the thoughts of her mother out of her mind, as she stared up at the beautiful stars and tried to think  nothing. It was a failed attempt, as her mind trailed off once again. She thought about the crowbar she had been obsessed with engraving into  those coins. Why she thought of such a design at that moment she had no idea, but she knew it felt great engraving it into that coin.

She knew Malachi would be disappointed in her for such a thing, especially  since it took her days just to start eating again, Malachi practically dragging her over to the kitchen table when she said she was a little hungry. Thank God she didn't have that problem now. She felt a cool breeze past by behind her due to the absence of a wall, but she was prepared for that, sitting in her slightly over sized purple and blue jacket Malachi got her for her birthday a few days ago. As she thought  about Malachi, she remembered a certain crowbar in his room.

It  was old, but Malachi hadn't wanted her seeing it, so she told her she didn't have to lay eyes on it ever again and stashed it away in his room. She had never contemplated looking for it, as it would be very  unexpected of her. She stood up, half out of the shadows, her feet carrying her away from her spot on the floor. She walked down the  stairs, heading straight to Malachi's room to find the crowbar. She knew she'd have to return it as soon as possible, and of course she wouldn't keep it for too long. It wasn't hard to find, stashed away under his  bed, collecting dust.

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