Chapter 5- Chocolate

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Laureen opened her  sleepy purple eyes to a rude awakening. "Morning! Finally!" Jeff was right there, staring at her as he leaned above her, his smile widened horrifically and his bloodshot eyes meeting with the girl's on the couch. Laureen's eyes instantly widened at the sight. She screamed, kicking Jeffery away with such force that it made the couch tip and  slowly fall over. "Woah!" They both said, as Jeff tripped backwards over the coffee table and Laureen fell backwards with the couch.

From his spot on the floor, Jeff was in between the t.v and the table, feet slung over the table from how he tripped. He was amused by Laureen's fall anyway, clutching his stomach and laughing loudly. The only part of her visible to him were her legs, sticking out over the fallen couch's rim. Laureen groaned and gently pulled herself onto the ground, grabbing her crowbar as she stood, flushing slightly from embarrassment. "What the hell?!" She yelled to Jeff, who was still cracking up from his place on  the floor.

Awkwardly, she twisted in her position until she was sitting on her knees on the fallen back of the couch. She stood,  storming forward and swinging her crowbar onto the coffee table, dangerously close to Jeff's leg. His laughter died down a bit as he watched her hand draw back her crowbar, and only just then noticed that she was wearing a metal ring. Funny, proxies don't usually wear jewelry. After Jeff's laughter calmed down (finally), he moved his legs off the  table and to the side, turning his whole body that way and standing up.

Laureen blinked. Even with what situation Jeff had been in, he managed to get out of it rather gracefully. Too gracefully, it seemed. Almost as if it were a practiced routine, and Jeff was just preforming. It made Laureen a little jealous. How could a psycho killer be so graceful without even trying? Laureen wasn't graceful at all, not when she was on the ground  or in the trees. Jeff noticed Laureen's eyes change slightly- with a light green around the edges of her irises, purple and gray making up the rest.

It was so strange, Jeff couldn't stop staring at them for a moment. "How'd you get those eyes?" He asked, assuming she got them somehow when she become 'proxy material', as she most clearly appeared to be. There were many proxies who gained inhuman things before or after meeting Slenderman. Laureen froze for a moment, and almost thought of the question as uncalled for. There had been people who've wondered that in the past, of course, but most kept that inquiry to themselves out of the fear of being rude.

"What? What do you  mean 'How'd I get them'? They're my eyes!" Laureen said, as though Jeff  was stupid, with a little hint of offense in her voice. "'ve  always had them like that?" Jeff asked. "Yes! Of course I have!" Laureen said, a little aggravated and not wanting to put up with this boy any  longer. "But your skin wasn't always that way?" Jeff countered, pointing  withou much thought. Laureen noticeably stiffened.

"No..." She replied.

"What happened, then?"

" poisoned."


"Cadmium poisoning. It's a type of metal. The poison leaves your skin and the whites of your eyes gray."

Jeff went quiet for a minute. "So then...why are your eyes changing colors?" He  asked again. Laureen groaned in aggravation, walking away from him and  into the kitchen. "Hey, wait a minute, you can't get mad! You never actually explained that part!" He said, following after Laureen. "Born with it." Laureen explained shortly, pulling open the fridge with the  top of her crowbar. She thought about the absurdity of her situation as she pulled out the gallon of milk. Jeffery Woods, Jeff the Killer, was in her home. He was looking for Malachi. He almost killed her after she almost killed him.

And now...he just seemed like some annoying little kid. Huh. How absurd, indeed. She had just finished pouring herself a glass of milk (she didn't feel like having cereal) when Jeff decided to start talking again. " you actually kill people, or did Malachi force you not to?" He asked. Laureen nearly sent the gallon of milk exploding onto the floor, catching the plastic handle in mid-air  befor it hit the ground. She sighed in relief, putting the jug away as she spoke. "What brought that on? No, I don't kill people, unlike you." Laureen replied, grabbing her cup and sitting in Malachi's usual seat, dragging her crowbar along with her and setting it on the table. She  took a sip of milk as Jeff sat down across from her.

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