Chapter 11- Weighing The Evil

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After nearly half an hour of walking, Jeffery and Laureen made it to the helicopter pad without a problem. That is, unless you count trying not to be seen the whole way there, the constant doubts Laureen chose to voice, or having to run across the giant open field of the helicopter pad as 'problems'. The pilot of the helicopter was talking with another man on the opposite side of the helicopter pad. The other man was wearing a formal outfit- dress pants accompanied with a shirt and tie, while the pilot was wearing a blue uniform jumpsuit.

Due to the lucky positioning of the pilot, Laureen and Jeff were able to hide directly behind the giant helicopter parked there, which gave them access to the helicopter door. It wasn't until Jeff pulled a pair of lock picks from his back pocket and attempted to unlock the door that Laureen decided to start panicking again. "This is crazy! This is absolutely, without a doubt, one hundred percent insane! Why  did I agree to go with you?! I gave in because Malachi made a point, and now here we are about to HIJACK a freaking  HELICOP-" Laureen was cut off by Jeffery.

"Would you be quiet?! Just chill  out, you'll be fine." He said, cautious of the pilot still talking to who Jeff assumed to be the instructor several feet away. "Are you kidding?!  What if the pilot gets nervous and wrecks the helicopter?!" Laureen  asked, paranoia setting in and the worst possible situations coming to  mind. "He won't; he'll do everything he can to save his own skin." Jeff  replied, successfully able to pick the lock. It  hadn't taken long to get it open, considering he had picked the lock of a similar helicopter before.

Though, the last one he broke into had 'Maimumbai, Florndia' printed on the side, rather than the 'Nescordo, Florndia' on the door of this one. Jeff pulled open the  helicopter door carefully, trying not to make any noise loud enough for the pilot to hear. "Come on." He motioned for  Laureen to follow him as he stepped into the vehicle. Laureen gave him  an uneasy look, but said nothing, the grip on her bag tightening as she hesitantly  stepped into the helicopter. The copter shook as she stepped on, causing a small squeal to escape her. "It shook! They're gonna know we're-" She started, but Jeff covered  her mouth.

"They will if you keep yapping!" He said in a hushed voice.  He took his hand away and motioned her to follow him again, looking for a place to hide. There were multiple boxes towards the back, many stacked upon others and all securely latched to the metal clips on the floor due to the red, stretchy  fabric cords keeping them in place. 'They're letting a trainee fly cargo?' Jeff thought, but  brushed the question off as he maneuvered around the boxes. It was obvious that no one was supposed to be back here, since the boxes were laid out  haphazardly in any way they could attach to the latches on the floor. 

Jeff stepped around a single box, crossing over some smaller crates to  get through to some taller ones in the far back. As he reached a small patch of clear flooring, Laureen  started tripping over the crates. "Watch it!" Jeff said, catching  Laureen by the back of her shirt before she hit the ground. He began pulling  her back up with one arm, letting Laureen regain her balance. As soon as she had, she assisted Jeffery by rocking back onto her heels, and then onto the flats of her  feet, once again standing normally. "Thanks..." Laureen said, smoothing out her shirt and readjusting the sleeves.

"Be more careful. If we knock this stuff over, he'll  come back here to fix it before he takes off." Jeff replied, turning and looking around the boxes once again for a good hiding place. His eyes caught a stack of two decently sized crates towards the right side of the helicopter. He took Laureen's wrist and practically  dragged her over to the crates, pulling her down with him to  hide. He sat on his knees as he let go of Laureen, who was sitting with  her back against the crates. Jeff turned around, facing the crates, looking around the side to see what kind of view he had from here.

The whole left side of his vision was obstructed by another stack of smaller crates, but from the right  he had a clear view of the back of the pilot's seat. He smirked. This  would be a piece of cake, even easier than last time. ' least, it should be.' He thought, glancing over to Laureen. No sooner had he finished that thought did the pilot outside finish his conversation. He walked away from his instructor, waving and smiling as he did. Soon enough, Jeff heard the helicopter door open, and hid his face behind the crates. Laureen heard the door open as well, and unconsciously held her breath.

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