Chapter 6- Acros

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The trio watched t.v for a few hours, and even started criticizing the shows that came on, laughing at the cliches and impossible occurrences. Eventually, Malachi claimed he was getting hungry and invited the two teens to the table, to have the leftover pasta in the fridge for lunch. They followed him into the kitchen, and Malachi set their plated down on the table, while  giving a playful "bon appitiet!". Despite the pleasant atmosphere of the kitchen and their dinner conversation, Jeff was uncomfortable. He ate his pasta before everyone else and sat awkwardly, on the edge of his seat, barely speaking at all.

Malachi and Laureen talked about different topics, things that he wasn't too familiar with, including metal-working. Eventually, Malachi started talking about some of the sights he had seen in the small town just off of their own. Jeff's head raised. Now, this was a topic he could follow! He'd traveled a surprising amount, including hijacking a helicopter to Britain at one point. Laureen was listening to Malachi, and right when he finished saying something about seeing lots of small shops in Teria, the small town he was in, Jeff spoke.

"There's lots of little shops like  that in Arcos. There's a group of them that are actually color-coded! Along with that, they usually have little stands outside with their best stuff, trying to get people to buy it. Prices are ridiculous half the  time, though." He said. Laureen didn't say anything. She was half-expecting Jeff to stay silent during the entire meal. Malachi, however, was just waiting for Jeffery to start talking, as he used to do. Malachi smiled. "You've been traveling?Do tell." He said. Jeff sat  back and told Malachi about his trip to Arcos, which was a long ways away from their own little town of Sparingburg. Laureen fiddled with her ring absentmindedly as Jeff spoke of a man in Arcos.

"When I  went outside, I saw this guy stumbling around. I thought he was drunk or something, so I just turned away. Second later, he called out to me.  'Hey there, little boy! What are you doing out here?'" Jeff said, mocking the man's voice. Laureen looked up at him, but didn't stop messing with her ring. Malachi looked intrigued, hands twisted together under his chin, elbows on the table. "So, I told him to..uh, 'buzz' off, and guess what he does? Pulls out a rope! Then he runs at me! I pulled out my knife to threaten the guy, but guess what he does? The idiot runs right into it!" Jeff said, recalling the story vividly. Laureen stopped fiddling with her ring, silent as Jeff finished his story.

"Then, I figured out the guy had a gun on him, and this weird looking paper. It was all crumpled up, and usually I'd just leave it, but the paper had blood on it. I thought I might've stabbed through it, so I picked up the paper and unraveled it to see if I did. Turns out I  didn't, but the paper was a weird-looking order form. It said the names of people, a price beside them, and instructions on how to 'make them into dolls'- and you don't want to know, trust me. I'm pretty sure that guy was running a business selling kids. Arcos is a pretty bad place, now that I think of it. I barely had any trouble getting into there."  Jeff said, but suddenly became aware of how much he was rambling.

Malachi sat back. "Yeah, you're pretty famous now. It's a wonder you can get around at all nowadays." He said. Jeff felt a small ping of shame run through him at those words, though he didn't know why. He tried to ignore it, as the feeling was annoying him. Laureen simply sat in silence, drinking in the scene in front of her. Jeff was talking about this as if it were normal, and talked about killing that man like it was  nothing. It's true he hadn't meant to, but Laureen couldn't shake the thought that he was actually just killing someone before he ran into that man in his story.

She could imagine him coming out of a house, hoodie now covered in blood, then running into the man. She then noted the traces of blood on the sides of his hoodie, as if he had wiped  his hands on it. Did he kill someone when she told him to leave? It definitely wasn't impossible. Laureen tried not to think about it, looking back up at Jeff's face. He looked uncomfortable. "So, did you do anything about it?" Malachi asked Jeffery. Jeff gave him a look. "What?"  He asked. "Did you do anything about the people selling children?" He asked again.

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