(Enma) Neko Love

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This was requested by ftrocks. Thank you for requesting this!!! Since there was no specific name request, I'll just put (yn) for this one.

(Yn) POV

'Alright! New school, new people, and new stray cats to pet!!🐱🐱🐱 This will be a great year!!!' I thought, walking to the door of my new class in Namimori High. Class 2-A, huh? Should be da bomb.com. Nervous a bit, I walk into the room. While the teacher is introducing me, my eyes find a boy with short red hair. 'He kinda reminds me of a cat...' I thought.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I am a HUGE cat lover. I have at least 10 cats. Some call me crazy, but they're just so cute!!!❤️❤️❤️ Anyway, back to my life.

The teacher told me my seat was next to Enma, otherwise known by me as Neko-boy. (Dun duh duh daaaa!!!*cape flies in the wind*). I started talking to Neko-boy. "Hi, I'm (yn). You can call me (nickname)-chan though. I hope we can become good friends, Kozato-kun!" I smiled brightly. He just smiled softly and said, "... You can call me Enma," then went back to what looks like daydreaming. I should know, I do that a lot. I decided I should follow his lead and went to daydreaming about the cat I saw on my way to school.

When class was over, I traveled the school to my other classes, then went home. On my way home, I saw Enma. "Hey! Enma!" I called over, and he turned around, cat in arms. As I was walking over (well, more like running) , the cat jumped out of his arms and ran to mine. I pet the cat while asking, "Where'd you find this cat? It's adorable!!!"

Enma POV

As (nickname)-chan was talking about the cat, I noticed something. 'She kinda reminds me of a cat herself...' I imagined her with cat ears and a tail. 'So cute...' I decided at that moment I would do whatever it takes for her to be mine.

Time skip to a few months later

(Yn) POV

Today was the day. The day I decided to share my feelings with a special someone. The only question is, will he accept them? As I was walking into class, I saw Enma. My heart started to beat faster. 'Here I go.' I walked over to Enma and asked, "Can I talk to you?" He answered with a 'yes' and we went to the corner of the room. The quiet one.

"I've liked you since, well, I stepped into the room and saw you. You reminded me of one of my cats, and I found it cute. So what I'm asking you is... Would you like to come over and pet my cats with me?" I asked, really fast. He just smirked a little. "Are you asking me on a date?" I blushed hard. "Well, only if you want to, I mean-" I was cut off by lips on mine. Enma was...kissing me! When he pulled away, he smiled cutely. "I would love to, Cat Lady."

Okay, I'm so sorry this sucks!!!! I'm sorry to ftrocks for this horrible one shot!!!*bowing thousands of times* Anyway, I hope you like this terrible story!!! Stay trumpin!!!*throws jokers*

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