(Enma)Before the Vongola Battle

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Alright. Shout out to @winxflora1 for this oneshot request!! I hope you enjoy!!!

(Y/n) POV

Hi! I'm (Y/n). I don't know who I'm talking to though. Oh well. Today is the day I transfer to Shimon Middle School. I'm kinda nervous, but I'm excited too. You could say I'm Nervou-cited. Lol. Whatever.

As I walk into the room, the first thing that attracts my attention is a boy with deep red hair. 'He looks kinda friendly, I guess...' The teacher smiles at me.

"Everyone, this is (y/n). She just transferred here from Namimori. Please give her a warm welcome into Shimon middle school. (Y/n), if you would do the honor."

"Of course Sensei. Hi, my name is (Y/n) and I look forward to becoming close friends with all of you!" I said happily. Then I smiled brightly. The boys looked at me in awe, maybe because of the way my (h/c) hair reflected the sunlight. It was a little blinding at sometimes.

"(Y/n), you can sit next to Enma."

"Hai Sensei!" I replied. There were murmurs around me. "Why does she have to sit next to boring Enma?" "He doesn't deserve to sit next to her." They were apparently referring to the red haired boy I noticed earlier. I would have to have a talk with them...

As I sat down, I introduced myself. "Hi Kozart-kun. I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you."

He replied in the quietest voice in the world. "You can just call me Enma..."

"Alright!" I replied. "I hope we can be good friends!"

~~~~~Time skip just before to the Vongola battles because of the Floridan pineapple festival~~~~~

Over the past few years, Enma and I have gotten really close. So close that he eventually told me about being in the mafia. I officially joined as the River guardian. It was pretty interesting. Then the day of the Vongola battle came...

"Wait, I forgot to ask. Who even is the Vongola?" I asked Enma.

"They're bad people who took something that rightfully belongs to us." He replied. "They can not be trusted."

"Aren't they based in Namimori?"

"Yes. They may have even been your friends."

"Interesting... I wonder..." I trailed off.

"What is it (n/n)-chan?" He asked.

"Nothing. It's nothing."

After 'transferring' to Namimori again, I soon recognized my old friends. "Ah, Tsuna-kun, Hayato-nii, Takeshi-nii! How are you guys?"

"Wait, that's the Vongola?" Adelheid whispered to Enma.

"Apparently so." He replied. "And I have a feeling they're going to try and take (y/n) away from m- us."

~~~~~another time skip to the actual battle between Tsuna and Enma~~~~~

"Must....kill....." Enma wasn't himself anymore. I couldn't bear it.

"Enma, what happened? Why are you like this?" I asked no one in particular. There has to be a way to stop you without doing any damage to you.

(Tsuna had the same idea, but I beat him to the punch.)

"Enma..." I stared deeply into his red eyes. "Why are you doing this?" He was too far gone. "Why does it have to be like this? You guys can't fight! If you do, you'll both get hurt!" He was expressionless. 'Fine. I didn't want to have to do this just yet, but here it goes.' I thought.

"Enma, you didn't do anything wrong and neither did Tsuna-kun. I can't eat to watch you go on like this. I...I love you too much to watch you suffer!!" I screamed. "All that time we spent together has shown me so much about life and love. You can't leave me. Not now..." I cried into his shoulder. The real Enma started to come back.


"Enma!" I said. "I'm right here Enma. I'm not going anywhere."

"(Y/n), I love you too. More than you can imagine. More than you can fathom. I love you more than the world." He replied. He was finally back to his old self.

"Enma!!" I hugged him tightly. "I am never letting go again!!"

"So, does this mean we're, ya know, a couple now?" he asked shyly.

"Oh you silly goose. Of COURSE we're a couple now! There would be something seriously wrong if we weren't."

He laughed. "(Y/n), you're the very picture of perfection." Then he whispered in my ear.

And we're so perfect together...😘

Okay, how was it? I'm sorry it took forever but I kept my promise and updated asap!! With school and tons of math homework everyday and having to write 4 papers at once, this is probably really bad but whatever. If you want to ask in the comments, I can try to redo this one on a different chapter when it's not 9:40 at night and I just wrote 2 papers. But yeah. Here you go!

Who should I do next? I think I'm caught up on requests at the moment. If I missed something, please don't hesitate to let me know in the comments. Thank you and as always, STAY TRUMPIN!!!*throws jokers*

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