(Hibari)The new diciplinary committee member!!!

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Third person POV

_____ sat there in class looking out the window. It was time for geometry, and since she had an IQ if about 300, she already knew how to do something as simple as proving congruencies of triangles. Just as she was lost in thought about the cherry blossoms being in bloom, the door to the classroom opened; a very annoyed skylark(Hibari) standing at the doorway. He was doing his daily route, looking for any herbivores that needed to be 'bitten to death'. His eyes shifted around the classroom, then stopped on you staring at your bored form. The teacher paused the lesson and asked Hibari, "Is there something I can help you with?" the teacher asked, backing away from him. He walked over to _____, and once she felt the murderous aura behind her, she turned around only to yelp and fall out of her seat. "Detention, after school, 2 hours." he monotoned at her.

______ POV

I got back in my seat and sputtered at him, "What're you gonna do, 'bite me to death'?" I laughed at his face; it was PRICELESS!!! He had a look like he was about to slap me, yet at the same time he wasn't. Then he grabbed me by the arm and said, "Never mind. You'll serve that detention now." Then he dragged me to his 'nappy time' room. We got in there and he let go of my arm. I went to sit on the couch, but before I could sit, Hibari picked me up and set me on the floor. He stared at me, watching me like a hawk. I finally spoke up and said, "Just an FYI, I am technically not an herbivore. I'm an omnivore." He looked at me and growled. "Herbivore. Know your place." The hours past by fairly quickly, due to the small talk I had with Hibari. We mostly talked about school, with us both being geniuses and all. Then I did something crazy. "Hibari, I want to join the disciplinary committee." he replied with a, "you have to take a test first." I asked, "what kind of test?" Hibari just stood up and went outside saying, "follow me." I hesitantly got up from the couch and ran after him.

Once we were outside, Hibari pulled out his tonfas and swung at my head, me barely dodging in time. "You have to survive me for 5 minutes." He said, and gave me a choice of weapon: katana, spear, or tonfas, probably his spares. I chose the (weapon) and started fighting Hibari, holding my own against the angry-looking skylark. He seemed surprised, yet satisfied at the same time. One the five minutes were up, he stopped and put his tonfas away. "Welcome to the disciplinary committee," he said with a smirk. He held out his hand and I took it and shook it.


Third person POV

It was a year after _______ had joined the disciplinary committee, and Hibari had something planned. As school came to a close that day, he went to _____'s locker and placed a note in it. It said:

"Dear _______,

Meet me at the school yard for a sight you've never seen before.


______ POV

It was just after school, and as I went to my locker, I saw Hibari walk from the way I was going. I sighed, then opened my locker. I noticed a little note flutter down and opened it. As I read the note, I smiled. 'Ever since detention last year, I've liked Hibari.' I thought to myself. I ran to the school yard as indicated, and just then, Hibari came out of nowhere and led me to a bench under the cherry blossoms. He looked me in the eye and said, "_______, I've liked you for a very long time. would you consider... being my girlfriend?" he asked, slightly blushing. I stared wide-eyed at him, not knowing what to say. Then I jumped on him and yelled, "Yes!!!" As soon as I did, cherry blossoms started to fall down on is and I smiled at Hibari. Then hibird came over and landed on my shoulder. "Hibari! Hibari!" hibird chirped. I smiled. "Call him Hibar-bar." I said. (Lol this name is one my friend came up with!) "Hibar-bar! Hibar-bar!" hibird chirped again. Hibari smiled and petted hibird with one finger. "I love you, ____."


Sorry it was so short! This is my first attempt at writing a one shot, so don't be afraid to criticize me. I would appreciate it if you could request one with an OC name, Age, Person, and Looks. Thank you for reading this horrible one shot!!!

-Kalica Hibari

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