(Tsuna) Cleaning the House

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3rd POV

"Okay Tsu-kun! I'm going now!" Nana said as she walked out the door. Nana had just gotten a vacation ticket in the mail and she couldn't just let it go to waste. "Don't forget to clean up some while I'm gone!" And with that, she left. Tsuna sat there for a few minutes, but then he got really bored. "Okay, I guess it's time to start cleaning." With Bianchi taking the kids to the park, Tsuna was home alone.

Tsuna being well, Tsuna, failed at almost all the chores he tried. He couldn't even fold a blanket. At that moment, as if on cue, the doorbell rang. Tsuna, thankful for the chance, escaped his chores and ran to the door. When he opened the door, he was greeted.

"Yo Tsuna!" It was (y/n).

Mentally, Tsuna was a mess. 'Wow what a sight for sore eyes. Her hair glistening in the wind, her eyes shining like stars, everything about her is just glowing! Wait, no. (Y/n) is my good friend. Bad thoughts begone!' "Oh hello (Y/n). What brings you here?" He asked.

"I, uh, got an SOS call from Reborn. He said you were trashing the house and asked me to come help. And wow was he right." She smiled.

Tsuna blushes slightly at her smile and they walked inside. He pulled out the list his mom had made of chores to do that night:
Clean living room
Sweep house
Fold all blankets

(Y/n) looked at the sheet of paper and nodded. "Alright let's get to work!"

They started with the easy chores like the dishes and blankets. Once they got going, Tsuna actually became somewhat helpful. They finished before long and decided to chill on the couch.

"Whew! Finally done!" They said in relief while flopping onto the couch.

"That was actually pretty fun. I'm surprised how well you did once we got started!" (Y/n) said. After a while of talking, (Y/n) drifted off to sleep and Tsuna fell asleep shortly after.

~~~~~TIME SKIP BECAUSE OF TEAM MOM SUGA~~~~~~(if you get this reference I will follow you!)

When they woke up, somehow (Y/n) had ended up with her head on Tsuna's shoulder and hugging his arm while Tsuna's head rested on hers. They opened their eyes simultaneously.


They both freaked out and fell off the couch. It seemed to be in slow motion. (Cliche moment BAM!) Tsuna was on his back on the floor while (Y/n) was on top of him, her hands on either sides of his head. They both were blushing messes and neither could get words to form. There were many thoughts going through their minds. (ANOTHER ONE) Finally, Tsuna mustered up the courage to kiss (Y/n) on the cheek, but she turned her head at the exact moment and they accidentally kissed each other on the lips. Both were surprised and in shock, but neither pulled away. The kiss was long and was the sweetest one ever seen (maybe I hope). When they pulled away, Tsuna was mumbling incoherently to himself and (Y/n) couldn't speak. After some time, Tsuna got some courage in him and confessed.

"I love you, (Y/n)..."

"I love you too, Tsuna..."

And they shared another sweet kiss.

Extra ending:

"So how did it go with (Y/n)?" Reborn asked Tsuna, who went upstairs flustered after (Y/n) left.

"None of your business Reborn!"

OMFG I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all forgive me! I am almost done with the adult reborn one shot and already have Enma's planned out so it shouldn't be too much longer for those of you who wait!!! My mom had taken my phone for some time, so I decided to write an outline in my notebook. I'm sorry if this sucks I can redo it if you want just please don't be mad at me!!!*starts crying*

AS ALWAYS, STAY TRUMPING!!*throws jokers*

note: wow 680 words I'm so proud of myself for this!!!

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