(Tsuna)Not Dame Anymore

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AN: Thank you to yuxuan98 for requesting this! This one shot will be dedicated to you!!!

3rd person POV

Luna was good at everything. Sports, school, even fighting. So it was no wonder when she became one of Namimori middle's idols(and also scouted by the Varia). All of the guys liked her, and this went double for Tsuna. She was his childhood friend, why wouldn't he care for her more than other people? Little did he know these feelings would turn into more than friendship.

Luna's POV

"Alright class we have a transfer student today from Italy. Come on in." I did as the teacher said and walked into the room, my silver hair flowing behind me as I walked. I could hear whispers. "That's the transfer student?! She's gorgeous!" I ignored it and faced the class. "Hello. My name is Luna Gokudera." I looked at them with my bright emerald eyes. "I look forward to becoming friends with all of you." I bowed.

"Alright, Luna. You can sit next to Tsuna." The teacher told me. I nodded and went over to where the young Vongola Decimo was seated and sat down. Then I started talking to Tsuna, or as Hayato-nii says, Juudimae. "Hello, Tsu-kun. is been some time since I've seen you." He looked at me, surprised at how I called him his nickname. "Luna, is that you? I haven't seen you in ages!! How have you been?" He asked. I smiled. "We can talk at lunch. On the roof of the school. The teacher seems like he's pretty mad." Tsuna nodded and looked back up at the teacher.


Tsuna's POV

By the time I had grabbed my bento and got Yamamoto and Gokudera-kun, I noticed that Luna wasn't in her seat. 'Did she already go to the roof?' I thought. "Juudimae! Let's go to the roof for lunch!" I simply giggled. "I was already planning on it." I told him. As we went to the roof, I saw you sitting next to Hibari-san. "L-l-Luna... Hibari-san is dangerous." I warned her as Hibari-san slept next to her. "No he's not. He's actually pretty cool." I face-palmed. Hibari-san? Cool? I looked back at Gokudera-kun and saw him stating wide-eyed. "Is that...?" Luna turned around and saw Gokudera-kun. "Hayato-nii? Is that really you?!" She ran over to where we were and hugged him. "I thought I'd never see you again. After you moved away from Italy, I didn't know how long it would be." I just stared in awe. Wow, siblings. I wish I had a little brother or sister... Then Luna jumped into my arms and something strange happened...

Luna's POV

I saw Tsu-kun staring at us strangely, so I let go of Hayato-nii and jumped into Tsu-kun's arms. "I missed you too Tsu-kun." I hugged him tightly. Then, I turned to him and kissed him on the cheek. It was funny watching him go all red. I giggled, then went over to a tall boy with dark hair. "I'm Luna. What's your name?" He looked at me and smiled. "Yamamoto Takeshi."

I looked at him and asked, "Can I call you Yamamoto-nii?" He just laughed. "Sure, why not?!" I hugged him. "Yay! Another big brother!! And he can play baseball with me!! Hayato-nii isn't very good at baseball." Hayato-nii looked at me and scowled. "That's because I don't like baseball. And of corse he'd be better than me at it. He's a yaku baka!" Yamamoto-nii just waved his hands. "Ma ma, Gokudera." I backed away and let them argue. Then I turned to Tsu-kun and asked, "Does this happen every day?" He sighed. "Yeah." We sat down and ate our bentos. After we all finished, we headed back to class. About half way, we ran into Reborn. Not literally, he just kinda popped out of a wall. We met with Ryohei, Kyoko and Lambo(he had come to deliver Tsu-kun's homework). Surprisingly, Hayato-nii didn't fight at all with Ryohei or Lambo. Most likely because I was there.


Tsuna's POV

The bell had just rung, and the usual gang(Gokudera and Yamamoto) came over to my desk, along with Luna. As we start to head off to my house, I sense a presence. I eat the pills and go into HDWM. "Who's there." I say. A figure comes out of the shadows. "Ushishishi... you found me. I've only come to retrieve the princess." Luna shuddered. "Belphagor." I glared at him. "Go away. Luna doesn't want you near her." Bel ignored me and moved towards Luna. I jumped in front of her. "You will not lay a hand on Luna."

Luna's POV

I was scared. No. Petrified. I absolutely hated Bel. Then Tsu-kun came to my rescue, Hayato-nii on his right side. They said in unison, "You will not lay a finger on our precious Luna." I patted both of their shoulders. "Boys, let me handle this." I pulled out my tonfas and charged Bel. Yeah, he ran away. He's scared of me. He just won't admit it. I laughed. When I turned around, Tsu-kun was back to his original self and Hayato-nii had put his box weapon away. On the way to Tsu-kun's house, Hayato-nii and Yamamoto-nii went to their houses to drop their bags off, which left me and Tsu-kun alone. "Um...Luna?" He started. I stopped walking and looked at him. "Yes?" He fidgeted. "I was thinking just now, and, um, I wanted to say-" I cut him off by kissing him. "I love you too, Tsu-kun." He blushed madly. "So, um, would you like to-" "Go on a date with you?" I cut him off again. "Of corse I would. And yes. I will be your girlfriend." I kissed him again. "How did you know what I was thinking?" He asked. I giggled. "I've known since we were kids that you've liked me."

When we reached his house, somehow Hayato-nii and Yamamoto-nii beat is to his room. Nana probably told them to wait there. I sighed. As we opened the door, Tsu-kun held my hand and walked in after me, blushing. No one seemed to notice, so I did something no one expected. I kissed Tsu-kun. He blushed a bit, but kissed back. Hayato-nii and Yamamoto-nii just stared. We broke apart, and I laid my head on his shoulder. "You know, Tsu-kun, no matter what people say, you're not dame. You're my amazing boyfriend and the next Vongola boss."

(You can decide the future, but Luna and Tsuna do end up getting married.)

A/N: Thank you to all of you that read this. I made this on a whim while being sick, so I'm sorry if it's not very good. As always, I do not own KHR or any of the characters in it. The only thing I own is Luna and the plot.

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