(Reborn) My Princepessa

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I just want to make a shout out to
@yuxuan98 for requesting this one shot. I'm sorry in advance if this sucks. Also, sorry it's so late! Its kinda hard to write for a baby reborn, so I'm going to make a back story so it doesn't make you seem like a puedo. You're about 13 in the beginning.

Reborn's POV (before the arcobaleno curse)


There she was, walking down the alley. (most likely lost, but whatever.) Her midnight black hair flowing gently behind her. She's the most adorable girl I've ever laid eyes on. The way her hair flows in the wind, the way her sapphire blue eyes shine in the moonlight. 'I should probably get her name, or at least help find her parents.' I thought to myself. As I start to walk towards her, she turns around and looks me in the eyes. As of reading my mind, she spoke and gently smiled. "Hi! My name is Himekoji, or just Hime for short. What's your name?"

I tipped my fidora down a little and said, "Reborn. Pleasure to meet you." On our way to find her parents, we talked about a number of things. Where we're from, things we like, etc. I never saw her again afterward.

Himekoji POV (ten years later, about 9 years reborn is an arcobaleno)

As the bell rings, it signals the end of the school day. I sigh in relief. Being a teacher isn't nearly as easy as they make it look, with planning the lessons, helping students with problems, and whatever else the principal wants you to do. Yes, after 10 long years of waiting, I finally became a high school teacher. The kids are rowdy at times, but it makes it all the more fun. 'Though there is this one kid, Sawada Tsunayoshi. He gets picked on a lot. I wish I could help him like Mr. Reborn helped me a while back.' I thought.

Just then, I noticed a few students in the courtyard. They were bullying Tsuna. Again. I sigh. "Time to be a good teacher." I say, as I March out of the room. When I get to where Tsuna and the other boys were, I notice they were laying on the ground. "What happened...?" I look to my left, only to see what looked like a chibi Reborn. "Wait a minute. Is that you, Mr. Reborn?"

All he did was tip his fedora, smile, and say these few words. "I'm home, Hime."


Okay, sorry for the REALLY late update. I've been sick with the flu, allergies, and also had writers block. I should be updating again sometime soon though. I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long for something this crappy!😥I'm such a terrible writer too. Thanks to all those who read this, and especially those who request! You all make my life so much brighter.

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