(Adult Reborn) The Curse of the Rainbow

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Okay, this was the one that was inspired, but it took a while because I had so much thought to put in. I hope you like it!!! I also tried out a new POV I saw people doing, so I apologize if it isn't as good as my other one shots!!

Author POV

(Y/n) laid there in bed quietly waiting. For what, you may ask? (Y/n)'s best friend (and crush) Reborn to knock on her door. She had a whole day planned with her best friend. First, a walk. Second, a picnic. And third, fireworks on a tall hill in a valley near town. It may sound boring, but it was the best thing they have. I mean, it's not like you had amusement parks back then.

After what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, there was a knock on the door. "Coming~!" (Y/n) said, running down the stairs to the door. Outside the door was Reborn, in casual clothes with a basket in hand.

"Shall we?" He asked as he bowed slightly. (Y/n) giggled and bowed back. "We shall." The two lovebirds (by my choice BWA HA HA) then walked outside.

~~~~~~Time Skip to after the walk and picnic because Author-chan is lazy af~~~~~~

Still my POV lol

After the picnic, Reborn and (Y/n) headed towards the hill. Then Reborn got a call from yours truly. "Hey hey hey! Meet me with all the others at the base of the hill near town! I have a surprise for you~!" I said. I hung up before he could respond and sat down quietly in my chair and began to write again. Reborn looked intrigued by my call and turned to (Y/n).

"What is it?" (Y/n) asked. Reborn sighed heavily.

"I don't know. Someone wants to meet us at the bottom of the hill." He contemplated for a minute. "Should we go? I would hate to ruin this day," he asked (y/n).

"Sure why not?" (Y/n) replied.

They walked down the hill and, to everyone's surprise, all of the (soon to be) arcobaleno were there. Then there was a flash of light. "WATCH OUT!!" Reborn pushed (y/n) out of the light. When their eyes opened, everyone had become a baby! (except (y/n) of course) (Y/n) looked at the group, shocked immensely.

"What...just...happened?" (Y/n) asked, looking around the circle of people. Then, when (y/n) looked at reborn, a look of complete and utter shock passed over both of their faces. Then (Y/n) passed out.

"What happened to (y/n), kora?"

"Stop guys. (Y/n) just passed out from shock. She'll be back in no tim-"

(Y/n) stirred awake.

"(Y/n)!" Everyone shouted.

"Are you alright dear?" Reborn asked, now in his child form.

The first thing she said was, "when did I become your 'Dear'? I didn't know we were dating."

Silence from all.

"Haha you screwed up this time, kora!"

"Shut up colonello. They're trying to have a moment here."

"We may not have been before," reborn turned to her with a smirk on his small face, "but we are now."

Done! I feel bad for tryin to make reborn smooth AF at the end of this!! My bad. But at least I updated right? #uptill2amwritingthis anyone else know the struggle?

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