(Fran) Hats and Frogs

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I am so so so sorry about not updating in a month!!!! School sucks, can I get an amen for that? You already commented it? Good!

Anyway, I have some news! I am currently working on a story in secret!!!! Shh, it's exclusive for my readers, so don't spill the beans! 🙂🙂 I also may be starting a philosophy of the day. Just something small like "When you time travel, don't bring your friends back to the past with you to meet their parents as kids." Hah, a little fire emblem awakening humor. Yep. I'm a big FEA nerd. Laugh. Don't laugh. I don't care. Okay I lied. I do care. Don't laugh please.

So, without further adieu, I bring you a story for Fran requested by Moonclaw696 Enjoy!!❤️

PS. Your name means 'blue wolf'

Kitsune Ao POV

It was a normal day at early Vongola HQ, A.K.A Tsuna's house. Me, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Tsuna, and Ryohei were sitting at the table contemplating life. Suddenly, Lambo ran into the room bazooka in hand and ready to try and kill Reborn. But obviously, he failed miserably. He tripped over air, flew into the wall, and his something flew right into... Me?!


There was pink smoke everywhere and I couldn't stop coughing. When the smoke cleared, I was standing in the doorway of a very big mansion. I read the sign. "Var...ia?" I questioned. "How did I get here?" I contemplated many thoughts, then finally concluded that it was the ten year bazooka. I sat down on the step and waited five minutes, but nothing happened. "Why am I still here? Did Gianinni 'fix' the bazooka again? I hope not." After a few more minutes, I decided to knock on the door.

Knock knock knock

A few seconds later, someone answered the door. "Hello. I'm lost," I said. The man/woman/thing looked down at me. "Why if it isn't Ao-chan! Come on in!"

Without any thought, I walked into the mansion. "Where am I?" I asked.

"You're at Varia Mansion, duh. Wait, did you shrink or something?" The person asked.

"No. I got hit by a bazooka. There's a difference." I replied.

"Ah Ao-chan. Such a sharp tongue as ever." They said.

"Why do you keep calling me Ao-chan anyways? The only one who does that is...Wait, Luss-nee?" I asked.

"Yep!😚 That's me! I can't believe it took you that long to recognize me! Am I really that forgettable?😟" Lussuria replied.

"If you're here, that means...Bel!! Where are you at you luggabed?!" I screamed through what seemed like endless hallways.

"Kitsu? Is that you?" Bel peeked his head around the corner about four rooms away from us. He ran over, chuckling. "How's my little princess doing?"

"I'm okay. Wow, I like the hair. It's cool." I messed with his longer hair.

"Thanks. Shishishi..."

"How's my family doin here?" I asked.

"It shrunk, then grew again." Luss replied.

"What do you mean shru- oh no!!! Who died?!" I asked, worried.

Luss replied, "No one died, Mammon left. Then we found a new mist guardian."

"Aw man, Mammon owed me money..." I pouted. "So who's the new guy?"

"That's Fran. Not much for emotion, but fun all the less." Luss replied.

"Hi Fran! My name is-"

"By the darkest sun that casts it menacing rays on the farthest madness. We sense your intentions. Kitsune Ao."

"Ooh, a new demon buddy! Hi!" I said enthusiastically.

"Hm. Not freaked out by the demon voice, but actually excited. I'm intrigued." Fran thought.

"Hey, Fran. How about we play a game?" I used my dragonstone and appeared before him. "How about Fireball tag? It's laser tag with fire!"

"Sure. Why not."

"Okay, hop on my back and let's go!!!"

"Kitsu, you're in the mansion. You can't fly in here." Bel warned.

"Oh boo. 😗 You just don't want me to have any fun." I flew out of the door with Fran on my back.


After playing for a few minutes, I accidentally hit his frog hat, turning it to ashes. "Oops, sorry Fran." I got out of dragon form. "Looks like we'll have to get you a new one." He looked up at means for some reason, I died a little inside. Without his hat, he looked sorta...cute.

"Alright. Let's go."


After arriving at the shopping district, I got lost about 18 times in 27 minutes. Fran ended up having to hold my hand because he didn't want me to get lost.

'Wow, he's REALLY cute without his hat.' I thought.

After a few more minutes, we reached a store called 'Hats and Mor'. "This is where you get your hats?" I asked. 'Kinda plain if you ask me.' I thought. That is until he went through a door that had ALL FROG HATS. I about died.

"Oh mi gosh."


"All these are yours?"


After me staring at all he hats in awe for like forever, I felt a small pressure on my head.

"A cute hat for my cute froggy wolf~"

Okay thoughts? The end probably sucked and Fran was probably too OOC but oh well

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