Who likes who!

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Skylar's POV!

All eight of us - Ryan, Lily, Sam, Riley, Kyle, Matt, and Del - are meeting in me and the boys room. We're sitting in a circle. I'm next to Ryan who's next to Sam, who's next to Kyle, who's next to Matt, who's next to Del, who's next to Riley, who's next to Lily, who's next to me! Sometimes now I sleep in the the girls rom, but I don't sleep as well. "On the count of three, we will show each other our palm animals! Nobody in this room can go and tell another living or even dead soul about who has who's animal!" Nods go around the room as I say this. "One... two... three!" We all open our palms up again and I look down at my palm, but there is no fox there. I look over at Ryan's palm and see that his wolf and my fox are laying next to each other sleeping. "I guess we will all have to say our animals, seeing as they aren't in our palms!" We go around in a circle from me to Ryan. 

"I'm a fox and can control fire!"

"I'm a wolf and can control wind!"

"I'm a dog and can control fire as well!"

"I'm a Mountain Lion and can control water!"

"I'm a Raven and can control ice and make water freeze and also make it snow!"

"I'm a Hawk and can control wind as well!"

"I'm a coyote and can control ice, make liquid freeze and also make it snow!"

"I'm a Eagle and can control water as well!" We all look at everybody's hands to see who has who's animals. Kyle has Riley's, Matt has Del's, and Sam has Lily's, I wonder what it means? 

"GIRLS MEETING!" Del, Riley, Li and I yell at the same time. Poor boys, they just look confused... We run out and into the girls room. It isn't decorated in pink and other girly crap, but there are pranking supplies scattered all around the floor and photos on the wall of the people who they have pranked, and who they are planning of pranking. 

"So Sky," Riles starts. "You like Ryan don't you!" It was more a statement than I question. I look down at my hands and slightly nod my head. Then I look up and glare at Riley. 

"You totally like Kyle! And Lily totally likes Sam!" 

"That just leaves Del..." Lily starts. "I'm betting that she likes Matt!" Del's cheeks start to have a red tinge to it. I fall onto my back and just stare up at the ceiling. Thinking about what has happened in my life so far. I chuckle underneath my breath. For craps sake, I actually like someone and admitted it to myself. 


Ryan's POV!

"GIRLS MEETING!" All of the girls shout as they get up and leave the room. I look around and see that we all of the same confused faces. 

"So... I'm just going to say what we are all thinking! What the hell!"  Sam exclaims. 

"I have no idea," I say thinking about how when I first met Sky, she was so closed off and now she is screaming at the top of her lungs with a bunch of other girls. I don't even know. 

"What they hell do they have to talk about that is so important that they need to only be around each other and not us?" Kyle wonders out loud. 

"Someones jealous..." Matt starts.


No one's POV 

A student runs up to a group of eight. "The headmaster has requested to see you in his office!" She says out of breath. 

"Thank you!" Riley Brown says to the girl. The group of eight turns and heads in the opposite direction towards the office. Sam goes to knock on the door, but as soon as he raises his hand, a voice sounds from inside.

"Come in!" We all walk in through the door and into the best office they have ever seen. Posters with quotes are all around the walls with random sayings. Colors are all around on the walls making it look like a llama ate a unicorn and then through it up... but in a good way. "Hello boys and girls!" The headmaster starts. "All eight of you have extortionary powers that once you get to your full potential, won't even compare to mine!"

"How do you this, sir?" Skylar asks.

"Well, that is a story for another time. Right now, I would like to know what you can do?" The group of eight exchange glances at each other, wondering if it is the right thing for them to do. Seeing this hesitation, the headmaster speaks again, "None of this information will leave the room, and none of the other teachers will be informed of what you can do." Skylar nods and the eight, all at once, open their palms, close them, then open them again. Showing off their animals as they fly or run towards another hand. "That is very, very advance magic!" The headmaster mumbles underneath his breathe. He has never seen anything like it except one time before. That was the time where it happened to him, when he met his soulmate. The headmaster speaks out loud once again. 

"All of you are destined to do great things in your life! But, if you break the friendship that you have right now, those things will shatter and become bad. Life is so much more better with friends than it is without! Each of you will have your own task to complete. Each of you will be tested to your limits. Every obstacle is just anther one for you to get over. It's just another test on you, and even if it is just for you, it will test your friendships with those around you." The group of eight stare at him, shocked. Skylar seems the first to come over her shock as she reaches into her bag and pulls out an old looking journal. 

"Sir, this has been keeping me up at night! I can't sleep anymore and I just stare, unfocused, at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to overtake me, but it doesn't! What happened to my parents that was so awful and why are there a bunch of people after me, supposedly wanting to kill me? Oh, and also, why doesn't anybody know that I am alive, much less Riley?" The other seven and the headmaster gape at her in surprise. 

"That is just one of the many things that has happened to you and your sister. Your sister will have completely different tasks then you, but they will all be difficult. As for the answers to your questions, I can't tell you them quite yet, but all lies and hidden meanings and truths will come out eventually. You guys will do good to remember that.  That is all, you can go." The eight turn around, but are stopped suddenly. "Remember that you are all very powerful. P8, powerful eight. Sounds good, I think that it will do well for you to also remember that! Keep exercising your power and you will be able to soon control it."



So I know that I said I wouldn't do this often, but I'm suppppppeeeeeeerrrrrrrr sorry for the wait. I will be posting a excerpt of what is to come in the future books, and I would really like some feedback. I would actually like feedback on all the chapters, but um ya. 

Bye... (May the llamas be with you...)


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