Don't You Remember (Riker Lynch fanfic) (Book 4)

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I couldn't stand to not write anymore of Aria and Riker so I'm back with book 4 the last story in this series ever. Hope you all enjoy but first I want to say a huge thanks to cheese41400 for helping me decide the title thanks again darling.

(3rd person P.O.V)

It's sad to think you can't rewind time and change something that happened. Something that kills you inside everyday just seeing it. That's how Riker Lynch felt ever since his wife Ariana got into a car accident and has been in a coma since a month and a half ago. Things were so perfect that day.

Ariana was taking Mary their daughter over to a friends house late that night when a car smashed into Ariana's side of the car.

"Has she woken up yet?"Riker asked the Doctor who had a slightly different expression on his face today.

"She is awake,just woke up a minute before you came up here."the doctor said

Rikers face lite up just at the thought of getting to see his wife finally awake "That's amazing."he said and started to walk toward her room but got stopped by the doctor

"Mr.Lynch,Ariana is suffering from traumatic brain injury we aren't to sure if its temporary or if its permeant yet."he said frowning

"So there's a chance my wife won't remember me what so ever?"He asked sadness over coming his voice.

The nurse walked over to Riker taking the place of the doctor "You'll have to try and see. I have hope in her thought."the short brunette nurse said to him.

Giving a small smile he walked to his wife's room in the hospital which he knew all to well at this point since he was here everyday since she had been admitted.

"Who are you?"Ariana asked a little scared "Are you the doctor?"

Riker shook his head "I'm Riker your husband."he said softly and reached out to grab her hand which she pulled away fast.

"I'm not married and I'm sorry Riker but I have no clue who you are."she said flatly

Hurt by all this Riker shook it off "Aria,we've been married for 16 years now just about."he said praying something would help her remember.

Confusion crossed her face "I think you should leave."she said

"But Ari-"Riker started to say but was cut off by Aria

"Get out now!"she yelled.

Caught off by her actions Riker took a last look at his wife before leaving. The doctor greeted him as he walked down the long hallway.

"She doesn't remember me."Riker said close to tears.

The doctor nodded "I know and I'm sorry,just give her time and hopefully it'll come to her."

Riker left the hospital and went home to his children. Mary who was having her 17th birthday in two days was waiting up with her brother Cole who was 15 and their little sisters Aurora and Paisley who was 6.

Walking into the house Mary quickly rushed to her father.

"How's mom?"she asked worried.

Riker put on a fake expression which he found himself doing lately "She woke up today."he said

Mary smiled and hugged her father "Oh daddy this is great! So we can see her now."she said

"Honey,mom is well she lost her jmemory. The doctor isn't sure if its temporary or permeant yet. But we'll know soon."he explained to his daughter.

Tears welled up in the 16 year olds blue eyes "It's time for dinner. Mom usually makes dinner at this time."she spoke with her voice cracking.

Riker began dinner while he occasionally looked at Mary who resembled his wife very well. Same curly dark hair,bright eyes and the same facial expressions. Just looking at his daughter made his heart ache because it made him think of Ariana.

During dinner the twins played with their food,while Cole glared at his plate.

"Guys come on you have to eat."Riker said

Aurora looked up at her father pushing her bleach blonde hair out of her face "This isn't how mommy makes dinner."she said her voice soft and small

"I'm trying to make things work here guys."he said looking at all four of his kids

Cole slammed his hand down on the table making everyone jump "You're not trying hand enough. You're not doing anything at all. Moms in a hospital damn it and all you're doing is letting it go!"he shouted and walked to his bedroom slamming the door.

At the hospital,Ariana thought about how this Riker guy said they were married. He just randomly came in and told her they were married who does that?

"He's crazy."Aria said to herself and turned her head toward the door.

However on the table was a photo album who caught her eye. She picked it up and flipped through the pages looking at every picture carefully. Nothing in any of those pictures made her remember anything in them. Her hand gently brushed over a picture with that Riker guy from early with her and a blonde girl.

"Who are you?"she whispered silently to the pictures "I wished I could remember."she sighed

(Alright first chapter what are your thoughts? Leave me a comment and remember to vote)

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