Chapter Eleven:Secrets That Hurt

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Riker woke the next morning with a bright smile on his face. Aria had remembered everything last night,things were certainly perfect now. Getting out of bed he got ready for the day and went out to the kitchen where his kids and wife were eating breakfast.

"Morning guys."Riker said happily

"Something good happen dad?"Mary asked confused

He scrunched his eyebrows together "Yeah don't you remember? Last night your mom remembered everything"

Aria shook her head "You must've dreamed that Riker. I still don't remember anything."

"But last night we went to the beach."he said

"No you went to the studio with Mary then came home and went to bed."She replied

Riker was confused and angry. Could this be a dream there was no way "So you're saying I dreamed all this?"he asked her

Aria nodded "I'm afraid so. I'm going out with Valerie I'll see you guys later." She said and left the house.

She had lied,Aria didn't go out with Valerie. She spent the whole day at the café in town. All she did there was think about the papers that were in the bottom of her dresser drawer under clothes.

About nine at night she went home. Aria walked slowly and thought about the papers again. She couldn't bare to think of what it'd do to the children or Riker.

Mary was cleaning the house after her mom left. She came across a stack of papers in her mothers bottom drawer under clothes. Divorce was written on the papers and that destroyed Mary.

"What's that Mary?"Riker asked as his daughter stuffed the papers in the drawer

"Nothing, when's mom coming home?"she asked changing the subject

He shrugged "I'm not sure,you know when she's with Valerie those two stay out all day."

Mary nodded and left the room. Riker was curious as to what his daughter had been looking at. Opening the dresser drawer he picked up the papers. Like it had when Mary seen them divorce stuck out to him. After the kids went to bed he sat on the couch just staring at the papers.

"What are you doing up so late?"Aria asked as she walked into the house and seen Riker still up.

"I found something today."Riker said ignoring her question and handing her the divorce papers

Aria's face fell "Where'd you get those?"she asked him

"In your dressed."he answered

Sighing she looked at the papers "Why were you in my dresser?"

"You're changing the subject Aria,tell me why that's all I want to know."Riker said as pain crossed his face.

"Just hear me out ."Aria begged close to tears

He shook his head "I don't want to listen to a word you say."

"Riker please I can explain them."she said with pleading eyes "Remember your vows to me? You told me that all the things we've done together are just another page in our book. I promise our story won't end ever and I'll always care for you. So care for me now and hear me out."

"Not right now Aria. Look I know you keep secrets and that's fine,but this is a secret that hurts."Riker said feeling empty right now.

Aria nodded her head while holding back tears.

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