Fly with me to prom?

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"Dean I need your help, stop messing around for five minutes" Sam said searching the internet for ideas.
"Haha awwh the poor high school baby" Dean said laughing. He never needed help when it came to these of types of things. He was not only popular but attractive and could easily get any girl he wanted.
"You know what I'll figure this out on my own" Sam replied flipping his long mousy brown hair out of his eye. He was just as attractive as his brother. He was tall, very tall. He had gorgeous bone structure and amazing build. Overall he was a catch, but none of the girls really paid him any attention. After all he never gave any of them the time of day, so they just gave up on him.
"Nonono I'm gonna help. So hes just an angel right?"Dean said waving it away like it was a bad smell.
"Yea." Sam said rolling his eyes.
"Get him something angel-y or whatever." Dean said semi proud of his idea.
"Wouldnt that be cheesy?" Sam said really thinking about the idea.
"Probably but cheesy is a thing now. You know... cheesy proposals.... pizza?" Dean shrugged.
"Okay Dean I'll try." Sam said nervous.

"Hello.. yes .. this is Sam Winchester. Yea hi, i need about 100 flower pedals. Yes. In white. Enough to make it seem like it's raining. No.. not rain. Flowers. No i don't think it'd be called flowering? Can you have them to me before noon tomorrow? Okay thank you!"

"Hey Charlie!! I need your help!"

"Hey Charlie. Do you have the stuff?" Sam said secretivly.
"Im doing fine Sam thanks for asking" Charlie replied while rolling her eyes.
"Well do you have it????" Sam replied ignoring her attitude.
"Yea i do." She said still frustrated with Sams one track mind.
"Thank you" Sam replied.
"Yea, whatever. Dude you're whipped!" Charlie said shoving the bag into Sam's hands laughing.
"Yea. Yea. Yea. Thanks" Sam said rolling his eyes. "I just have to get everything together" His attitude was obviously just a side effect of his nervousness.
"Hey hes going to say yes. Calm down." Charlie said flashing a reassuring smile.
"Hopefully." Sam said fiddling with his thumbs.

"Hey Cas!! Uhm.. how are you" Sam replied smiling nervously.
"Im fine thanks for asking. Are you okay?" Castiel said watching Sam fidget.
"Uhh yea! Just stand there for two seconds." Sam spoke naturally.
"Now Charlie!!"
"Sam whats happening???" Castiel said looking around for what was going on.
"Yea just.... wait... a few seconds.." Sam said mentally going through his check list of things he needed to do.
At first Sam was stressed nothing was going to go right.
But soon enough the music started playing Castiels favorite song, (insert song here). And Sam felt everything come naturally.
"Okay so Castiel... where do i start? You and i have been friends for years. And i feel like its time for that to change. I've been hopelessly in love with you for God knows how long and i cant take you not knowing. If you dont like me back thats okay. Just talk to me" Sam finished realising he was making a scene.
"I..." Castiel said not knowing where to start. Sams spirits started to break. However they weren't falling for long. Castiel didn't know what to say but he knew just what to do. He leaned in and kissed Sam while tears streamed down their faces. They waited far to long to do this. Just as they broke away smiling the flowers Sam ordered started to fall. And the poster he made unrolled off the staircase balcony. "Fly with me to prom?" It had two angels, one at the begining and one at the end.
"SAM YES SO MUCH YES. ALL OF THE YES." Castiel laughed.
"Good." Sam replied.
"I aint cleaning this shit up." The janitor said dropping his broom and walking out.

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