Sparkling Starbucks

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"Sam?" the barista shouts holding up a cup. A tall burly man moves forward, his hair falling in his face as he reached for the cup. He can't help but notice the barista, a man. He paused for a second thinking about all the beauty that this man possessed. The man looks at him annoyed, Sam immediately blushes, giggling like an embarrassed school girl. He walks away feeling like more of a dork than he ever felt like before. He nearly knocks over a man trying to hide his face.

"Hey dude, watch it."  A man who was slightly smaller growls out. The man had pale skin, and dark hair, his eyes were blue. The man didn't seem angry, just confused. He looked up at Sam, confused.

Sam immediately becomes even more embarrassed than he had been previously. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't spill anything on you, did I?" Sam was giving the man a look over to assess the damage. And as he was doing so he couldn't help but notice this man was very attractive. He felt his cheeks starting to turn scarlet, at this point he was the second cousin of a tomato.

The man laughed, "No, no I'm Cas- I mean I'm fine. I'm okay. And my name is Cas." The man, named Cas was at this point nearly doubled over in laughter, which made Sam laugh as well. 

"Do you, uh, wanna join me or something? I have a little bit of time to kill before I have to get back to work." Sam was silently blessing his work for giving him an hour lunch today, rather than his usual thirty minutes.

"Oh! Yeah! For sure, today's actually my day off." Cas laughed. 

"You get Tuesdays off?  That's so weird." Sam asked Cas as they maneuvered to the only empty table they could find.

"Yeah, well right now I get Tuesdays and Sundays off," Cas explained. "I'm basically like a secretary."

"Oh, the cliche hot secretary?" Sam spoke without thinking. "I mean, uhm." He immediately regretted it. But Cas just laughed, obviously becoming very smitten with Sam's personality.

"I guess so." Cas laughed out. Sam smiled, becoming more and more comfortable with the attractive man who basically fell from the sky.(**OUCH**)

"I work in an office, essentially the boring nine to five," Sam said feeling much better, "I'm hoping eventually to move on though. I don't know where yet, but, I'm going." Sam smiled a very hopeful smile as he finished, one that warmed Cas' heart. 

"Well, wherever you go, count me in, I'm ready to move on. Have some adventures. Explore. The whole nine yards." Cas finished with a smile just as hopeful as Sam's. 

"Well, why don't you be Jasmine and I'll be Alladin?" Sam laughed, mostly serious.

"Show me a whole new world?" Cas smirked, he liked the sound of that. And he definitely liked the idea of allllll the ways he could take that. 

Sam blushed a deep scarlet, at this point, it was his calling card. "Oh, SHIT. What time is it?" Before either of them knew it they had been chatting for nearly an hour. "Well. Guess I'm already late." Sam laughed, he seemed more at ease around this new energy.

"Well, you better get going Alladin." Cas smiled at him, hoping, no literally praying that he would ask for his number. 

Sam hesitated but worked up the courage to do so. After they exchanged numbers Sam headed back to work, leaving Cas alone in the Starbucks to recollect his thoughts. He sat there smiling like a fool when he heard his phone go off. He looks down to see a text from a new number. All that was in the message was three emjois, the genie lamps. 

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