Halos and Bellyaches

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"SAMMMM?" Castiel roared from Sam's room in the bunker.
"Cas??? Are you okay??" Sam rushed in to the room knocking over a stack of books.
"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you." Castiel said looking down. "I just dont understand."
"Understand what?" Sam asked sitting on the bed next to Castiel.
"Why--" Castiel paused to cringe or grimace. "My stomach hurts like this?" Castiel finished turning his pained yet hopeful face to Sam.
"Oh. Cas. I'm sorry. Now that you're human.. Humans get sick like this. " Sam said feeling horrible.
"What will help?" Castiel begged
"Some soup, pepto and a whooooole lotta of love" Sam said grinning ear to ear. "But first the pepto." Sam said reaching his hand out to Cas. Giving him some of the bright pink medication.
"It's got a strange taste." Castiel said gulping it down.
"I hope you like chicken and noodles. Because thats what you're getting." Sam said searching for a pot to make soup in. And an hour later soup was in Castiel's lap, being slurped up.
"Thank you Sam. I am already feeling better. " he said setting his bowl aside. "But what is this talk about love?" he questioned.
"Oh it's... Well... I..i guess i better show you." Sam said with a huge smile on his face. He swept Castiel into his arms and laid there cradling him.
"Can we do this more often?"
"Of course."
"Even when i don't have human illnesses?"
"Yes, Cas I'd be happy to."

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