Chapter 1

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^^ Jayson LaChance

AN: If you have not read Sins of the daughter I highly suggest going and reading it and voting please!

Chapter 1:

"Hey Jamie!" I called in the hallway. I ran up to my twin sister and she turned to me sharply. We were in grade eleven and our brothers were in grade twelve.

"What Jay?" She asked as her friends rolled her eyes.

"Are you coming to my game today? Mom and dad are coming." I said smiling. She rolled her eyes as her friends laughed.

"Have fun playing soccer." Her friends sneered.

"Jayson I have a date." Jamie sighed shutting her locker and walking away. I pouted and continued walking down the hallway.

"Aiden?" I asked looking at his group of tall friends. I was small for my age and I squeezed through fixing my head band that pushed my hair back.

"Jay? What's wrong?" He asked leaning against his locker. Him and Andrew always had time for me. Jamie didn't however. I fixed my grey knit sweater vest and fixed the collar of my white shirt.

"Are you coming to my game today?" I asked hopefully.

"Your little sister is hot." One of their friends said picking up a strand of my hair. I glared at his filthy hand touching me.

He better have washed his hands in the past twenty minutes.

"F.uck off, Brett. You are the last person we would send Jay to." Andrew said shaking his head.

"Yea we will come. What's up with Jamie?" Their friend Christian answered. Christian was their nicest friend. I always had a little crush on him.

"She has a date." I answered.

"With who?" Andrew asked.

"With me." We turned and looked at Ross Fisher who headed out the door.

"F.ucking Ross." Andrew sighed. The bell rang and I fixed my chemistry books in my arms. Christian was in my chemistry class because I took grade twelve classes even though I was in grade eleven.

"Come on, Jay. I will walk you to class." Christian gestured. I blushed slightly and followed after him and into chemistry.


"Run Jay!" My mom shouted. I ran to the ball that came near me and slide tackled the other girl. I got up quickly shooting the ball up to the striker. She lost the ball so I covered her half picking up the ball and running down the field. I took a shot tiredly and the goalie just missed it as the ball hit the back of the net. I smiled putting my hands up and receiving high-five's from my team mates.


"Way to go, baby." My mom said. I smiled as I walked with them to the van. Mom and dad offered to drive the boys back to the house as Christian was staying over.

My parents talked quietly in the front and Aiden and Andrew were showing pictures to each other on their phones as I sat quietly with Christian.

"Good job, Jay." He smiled. I blushed lightly pushing back a loose strand of hair.

"Thanks Christian and thanks for coming. There was probably a million better things you could have done." I said laughing nervously.

"No, I had fun. You are really good Jay." I blushed again and laughed nervously.

"You're such a dork." He chuckled and I looked up.

"I am not." I denied and he nodded.

"You are. You are a huge dork." He assured and I huffed staring out the window.

"So what if I am a dork?" I muttered.

"Nothing. I think it's cute." He said lowly.

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