Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Jackson's POV:

I sat up rubbing my eyes and looked over at the IV; I frowned and ripped it out of my arm. All I remember was Jayson on top of me and then I blacked out.

It was dark and I stumbled out of the infirmary and upstairs. Jayson was laying cross ways on the bed and I walked over lightly grabbing her shoulders.

Usually she fights me when I try to move her but her shoulders just slumped as I grabbed them. I frowned and turned her over seeing a dry liquid around her mouth. I quickly turned on the light and she was pale and her eyes were closed.

"Jayson!?" I called lifting her up. She rolled out of my arms and finally began breathing. Her eyes flashed open to reveal bright red iris's. I pulled back hesitantly until her eyes died down to normal colour.

She looked around confused and then looked at me.

"Oh my God...A-are you okay?" She asked worriedly as she placed a hand on my arm.

"Am I okay!? What the f.uck was that!? And why is there dry blood all over your mouth!?" I asked. She rubbed her mouth and looked down at her hand before scratching her head.

"I-I don't know..." She said confused. I sighed and she looked away nervously.

"I'm so sorry Jackson." She whispered.

"For what?" I asked.

"I'm a terrible mate, I almost killed you!" She exclaimed putting her face in her hands dramatically. I chuckled at her actions and she looked up.

"It's not funny, Jackson. You could have died."

"But I didn't." I said.

"But you could have!"

"Yea but I didn't." She narrowed her eyes at me and I cracked a smile.

"I'm fine, Jay. Nothing keeps me down." I assured. She went to kiss me and I grimaced holding her back.

"Go clean your face first. I don't know whose blood that is." I teased and she frowned.

"It's probably your blood!" She laughed and I smiled.

"Yea but I don't want to taste my own blood. I don't like it." I said and she huffed before getting up and going to wash her face.

Jayson's POV:

"I'm going to go see the boys." I said to Jackson as I grabbed my soccer bag. I had on a leather jacket with a white v-neck and black leggings.

"Are you going to smoke?" He asked.

"I don't know...maybe, why?" I asked.

"Nothing it's up to you. If you want to smoke then go ahead I won't stop you." He said earnestly.

I pulled out the pink smokes and stared at them and he laughed.

"Those are cute." He said and I hit his arm.

"Shut up." I groaned and he caught my arm and pulled me to him catching my mouth in a kiss. I smiled kissing him back and he responded by gripping the back of my jacket and pulling me to him tighter. He forced his tongue into my mouth and I smirked trying not to giggle. Who would have thought that Jayson LaChance would be making out with Jackson a parking lot.

"Bye." I laughed pulling back. He sighed and pressed a kiss to my temple before leaving.

"I will see you later hot stuff." He said landing a firm smack on my I rolled my eyes and walked towards the boys who smiled.

"Jay! How are you sweetheart?" Keith asked slinging his arm around my shoulder. I frowned confused but laughed it off.

"Fine, why?" I laughed glancing at an uncomfortable Dean.

"Nothing, how are you feeling?" He asked taking a puff on his cigarette. I pulled out one pink stick and lit it up as I took a drag.

"Good, why?" I asked curiously as they all smirked.

"No reason, Hun. Just wondering." Sam said smiling approvingly. I stared at them all oddly as I continued to take a few deep breaths on my cigarette and I finally looked at Dean.

"Dean what's up?" I asked and all the boys glanced at him cautiously. He scratched the back of his neck nervously and cleared his throat.

"Nothing, Jay. Just thinking." He smiled. I nodded and pulled out my phone as it rang.

"Mom?" I asked confused answering it.

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