Chapter 36

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Jayson's POV:

"So you forced the principal to give you your diploma?" Jackson asked as I dropped my bag on the chair in our bedroom.

"Yes, I have an extremely high average. Hell I was doing better than you in your classes." I smirked. Jackson looked back and rolled his eyes as he took off his uniform.

"Bribing the authority to let you go. What kind of person have you become?" He teased.

"I don't feel like doing school anymore. This year has been so stressful I just need a break." I said sitting down on the bed. Jackson stood in front of me and slid my shirt off staring at the the scars left on my arms and torso.

"You're still beautiful." He said cupping my cheek. I smiled innocently at him before grabbing his arm and pulling him down onto the bed so that I was straddling his waist. He smiled at me and rested his head back as I looked down at him.

"I haven't had a drink from you in a while." I noted drawing my finger lightly across his pec. He put his arms behind his head and sighed comfortably.

"It's all yours baby." He said.


When I woke up I felt extremely sore and annoyed. My phone was ringing, my hips were hurting as was my neck. I reached up to feel the dried blood on my neck and I looked back at Jackson who slept naked under the sheet.

I quickly grabbed my phone and fumbled it when the bright light hit my face.

"Hello?" I whispered after sliding the bar across.

"Hey Jay, Jamie is giving birth. We just thought you should know." Aiden said and I smiled and looked at the time.

"At four, thirty? What a lucky lady." I chuckled.

"I know, sorry about that. Hopefully you and Jackson can come over in the morning. I know Jamie will be happy to see you." He said. Things between my twin sister and I have finally evened out and we were acting like twins.

"We will. Tell Jamie I love her." I said.

"Will do, bye Jay. Love you." He said.

"Love you too." I said before tapping the red button. I looked over at Jackson who was still sound asleep and I smiled before pulling back the sheet and getting up.

I grabbed a t-shirt from my closet and a pair of underwear and slid everything on. I went into the bathroom and squinted as I turned on the light. I got a wash cloth and wiped the dry blood on my neck revealing a small mark of teeth in black. I ran my finger over it and small tingles ran through my arms.

This must be the Mark Jackson was talking about. It's a powerful symbol that connects two mates, in this case it connects me to him.

As I stared at it the door opened and Jackson came in with shorts on and yawning. He rubbed my upper arms and kissed my head.

"What are you doing?" He asked sleepily.

"Just looking at this mark." I said.

"Look at it tomorrow morning, come cuddle with me. I want to sleep." He said tiredly. He grabbed my wrist and walked to the bed and plopped down on it. I pulled his head onto my chest and I lightly ran my fingers through his hair as he began to doze off again.

I kissed his head and laid my own head back to try and fall back asleep.

"I love you." He said while laying against my chest.

"I lie you too." I whispered rubbing his muscular back and soon falling asleep.

Blood Lust (Sequel to Sins of the Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now