Chapter 29

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Jayson's POV:

"He is my new friend, why?" I asked folding my arms.

"Who also happens to hang out with a Dean, Sam and...was it Ryder?" He whispered looking at my uncles.

"Ryan." Jackson answered and I smacked his arm hard.

"Jackson!" I hissed and he shrugged.

"I told you I don't like them. You know this." He whispered.

"I don't like your pack. You know this." I whispered back.

"So that is what I smelt." Dad said standing up. He grabbed my arm roughly and I frowned.

"Dad! Stop!" I growled.

"Luke." Mom said uneasily. Uncle Christopher and uncle Logan sat up.

My dad pushed up my sleeve and a dark red etched symbol rested on the inside of my arm just before my elbow. The skin looked infected but I never felt it.

"You just f.ucked up your life, again Jayson!" He yelled pushing my arm away.

"What is that? I don't understand." Mom said.

"The originals. They chose to make her one and now she is branded with them!" Dad yelled.

"Why is it such a bad thing dad? I'm smarter, faster and stronger!" I yelled back.

"Why would they tell you the bad parts? They want you as one of them!" He said. His blue eyes were practically popping out of his head.

"Why are you freaking out? Am I the pregnant one? The one who has been bullying their own twin?" I asked.

"You know why there are only four originals, Jayson? You learned about this how many were there when they first started?" He asked.

"Over a hundred..." I whispered.

"Over a hundred. And why are there only four now?" He asked. I shrugged and looked around at everyone watching.

"Because this." He said pushing up my sleeve again.

"Is a f.ucking batman symbol for every race out there. They smell you and know who you are and they will try to kill you and you know why, Jayson?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Because if an original is killed and their blood is taken and it is consumed then you get their power. How the hell did they even give you their blood?" He asked angrily.

"They laced them in tobacco they gave her." Jackson answered with a cold hard glare.

"Jayson you were smoking?" Mom asked and I nodded. Jackson is a f.ucking snake.

Jackson's POV:

No way was I letting Jay walk out of this. I knew she shouldn't have been hanging around those guys and now she probably messed everything up.

"Jayson I can't believe you, I leave you alone for a couple of months and this is what you do? What goes through that head of yours?" Her father asked.

"Nothing." Jamie answered. Jayson frowned and blinked rapidly as she looked down.

"Jayson why would you do this? Not only did you endanger yourself but you put Jackson and his pack in danger." Her mom sighed.

"What are you going to do now if someone comes after you?" Her dad asked angrily.

"I don't know okay!?" She screamed. Tears fell down her face and she ripped her arm away from her father.

"God I hate all of you! You all always say I do something wrong! Your s.lut of a daughter is pregnant and all you care about is this? She also bullied me! Just leave me alone and don't talk to me!" She yelled turning away. I grabbed her arm and she snarled baring her fangs at me.

"I f.ucking hate you." She said looking me dead in the eye. Tears fell down her cheeks and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I let go of her arm and she stormed away.

"Jayson!" Her mom called running after her.

Her brother Andrew stood up and clapped.

"Way to go, guys. You want to drive her away anymore?" He asked sarcastically.

"And you. I swear I would kill you right here and right now if Jayson said the word." He spat. I just stared at him as he walked away.

Blood Lust (Sequel to Sins of the Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now