Chapter 21

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^^ Dean

Chapter 21

Jayson's POV:

"That's...different." Jackson noted. I had on a jean jacket with a hood and black leggings and my sunglasses.

"Why is it different?" I asked.

"No hoodie? Track pants?" He shrugged and I smiled.

"Trying something new so deal with it." I smiled patting his chest. I walked down his stairs and to the door. I swung it open and a familiar blond head spun around. Her eyes were red and brimmed with tears. Her hair was messy and she had a large bruise forming on her face and her clothes were tattered.

"Jamie?" I asked surprised as tears rolled down her face.

"Jayson." She cried, she walked towards me and hugged me tightly. Jackson stared at us confused and I frowned before wrapping my arms around her. She pulled back and I placed my hands on her shoulders.

"Jamie what happened?" I asked attempting to smooth down her matted hair.

"Ross hurt me." She sobbed. I frowned confused and forced her to look at me.

"Fisher did this?" I asked surprised. I didn't know Ross had it in him to do something like this.

She nodded and I sighed.

"But why didn't you go home?" I asked.

"Because he raped me and left me." She said defensively.

"Left you where?"

"Across the border. I haven't been here before but Aiden showed me a picture of your new home and I scented you out." She said.

"Do you want us to take you home?" I asked and she nodded.

"Okay, come." I said gesturing to Jackson's car. We drove my sister back and dropped her off. She gave me a tight hug before going inside and I sat blankly in the passenger seat.

"What was that all about?" Jackson asked.

"I don't know and I think I am going to hear more about this." I sighed.


"Come on Jay you have never been to a party?" Sam laughed.

"No, why?" I asked curiously. It was lunch time and instead of sitting in the cafe with Jackson I was outside with Keith, Dean, Sam and Ryan.

"You're such a goodie two-shoes." He smirked pinching my cheeks. I swatted his hands away as they laughed.

"You are bonded, Jay...correct?" Dean asked curiously.

"To Jackson, why?" I asked curiously.

"What is it like? Is his blood like everything they say?" I nodded while taking a sip of water.

"It's amazing. His blood is like cocaine, I go a little insane when I don't have a taste for a while." I admitted.

"That kind of sucks." Keith said sitting on the small brick ledge.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because now you can't be away from him. What if he dies in battle or something? You go insane and die too?" He asked.

"They ween you off of the blood. It is kind of like rehab they sweeten the blood for you to try and get you off of the fix. I know someone who had it done." Ryan said.

"So take up a new hobby if he dies." Sam shrugged. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I watched him intently and he smirked.

"Wanna have a go, Jay?" He asked holding it to me.

"N-no I shouldn't..." I laughed nervously. They all smoked and Keith smiled.

"It takes the stress off, Jay and it is easier than waiting for old Jacky boy." Keith said referring to Jackson. I stared at the white stick before hesitantly taking it between my fingers.

"What if I choke to death?" I asked.

"You won't choke to death. It will make you cough a bit but once you do more it gets easier." He assured. I put the stick to my lips and breathed in. I coughed harshly as my chest burned and they laughed lightly.

"Keep going Jay it will get you off Jackson's blood." They cheered. I smiled doing a couple more breaths before the stick was gone. I dropped it on the ground and stomped on it and they all stared at me.

"That felt good." I admitted.

"It is an easier fix than blood and it takes a load off." Sam said digging into his bag. He pulled out a black box and handed it to me.

"I was saving it for the right time but it is your first pack." He smiled. I opened the box to reveal pink wrapped sticks.

"They are pink." I noted.

"Yea I had a girlfriend who loved pink but she cheated on me. I made these for her but I didn't give them to her, so I am giving them to you." I pulled one out to notice the change of paper, it was matte pink.

"I also have black but these are the only pink ones." He said. He dug into his bag again and tossed me a black metal square. I held it up and opened it and a small flame emerged.

"Your first lighter and first pack of smokes baby girl." Ryan smiled patting my shoulder. I felt like a holding these. I smiled placing them into my pockets as the bell rang.

"Welcome to the dark side, sweetheart." Keith laughed.

Blood Lust (Sequel to Sins of the Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now